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First Time Puppy Owner


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There is a ton of really useful information in the drop down menus on The Dogstar Daily website.

Good that you don't want to rub the pups nose in it - if you're going to put any nose in it it should be the persons who was supposed to be supervising but failed to do it :laugh: Ditto on hitting with a rolled up newspaper. That stuff is definitely best consigned to the Dark Ages of dog training.

The trick to successful toilet training is to set the pup up for success and reward the right behaviour. You'll find lots of training advise on that website.

Grrrrr if one more person tells me to rub my puppies nose in her wee I'll scream. I always say would you rub your childs nose in their soiled undies when toilet training. On saying that though. I have 3 kids, 21, 18 and 3yrs. Yesterday I'm outside waiting for my 3yr olds little girlfriend to turn up so we could go see Monsters University. I call out "Reilly where are you". He replies "behind Sissys car with Bailey". "What are you doing behind Sissys car" he replies "pooing". I walk behind the car and here he is pants around his knees doing a poo and Bailey sitting looking straight at him doing a poo. Oh lord. Trying to explain that just cause Bailey does it outside doesn't mean he can with out laughing was so hard. Thank god none of the neighbours were out.

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