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Vaccination Question


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Hi all

I am just enquring.

I am terrified regarding parvo and want my new pup to be protected, so am sorting this out before he arrives.

He has been vaccinated at 6 weeks by the breeeder.

I am local too 2 vets, one says 4 weeks after his first so can be vaccinated at 10 weeks and again at 14 weeks

the other says 12 weeks and then 16 weeks..

some sites seem to say 6,9,12 and then 16!!!!

I have read that some pups dont even have a response until after 16 weeks, some say from 12 weeks they have the best response, I amr eading too much and getting all confused. What ages were your pups when they had their vaccinations?

I am worried waiting until 12 weeks, expeially as we want to do puppy classes..

Also it used to be you could go out a week after the secnd vaccination, is this still the case? some say yes and other say not until all 3 have been done.

thanks :)

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I don't know a whole lot about vaccinations, there are others that will come on here that know more but I will just say-

When my dog came to me at 9/10 weeks, she only had one booster with my vet and her next one was 12 months. Seeing as her first vacc with her breeder was on the 13/5/11, and she was born on 2/4/11 she was 6 and 10 weeks.

With puppy class, just make sure it's in a place that is cleaned/disinfected properly before pups come in

I took my pup out before the "10 days" were up. I took her to an isolated beach with dogs I knew were vaccinated (other family dogs) because I 1. knew the parvo risk was low there and 2. wanted her to socialize with other dogs. I will be following the same routine with my next pup.

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The reason you have 3 vaccinations between 8 weeks and 16 weeks is to try and catch the moment when the puppies natural antibodies from birth given to it by its mother have worn off, research shows that this is generally between the 8-12 week mark, but there is still a chance they won't fall off till 12-16 weeks, hence the safety vac at the 16 week mark just in case, there has been debates over whether the 3rd vac is needed but most people take it as it is not worth the risk for a $70 odd fee

The reason why we need to try and get a vac in after the maternal antibodies have fallen off or lowered to a set point is because when a vac is given to a pup with a strong material antibody still present those antibodies destroy the majority of the vaccination, so we do 3 to ensure we get the needed immunities into the pup in good time

As far as i know the general schedule is 7-8 weeks for the first vac, 11-12 weeks for the 2nd and 15-16 for the third vac

As for parvo I would check with your local vet if any cases of it have appeared in the last 2 years, if none then I would say the risk of catching it taking the dog for small walks around your home are highly minimal at best and the benefit to the dogs development will seriously out way the risk involved, then after the second vac taking him to larger parks and areas with more dogs is generally acceptable, then the 3rd vac is kinda a safety vac just in case anyway.

this is all from what I have been told so please just take as is :D

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We didn't take our pup out (other than puppy preschool) til after his 3rd vacc, because our friend is a vet and they'd seen 13(!!!!) cases of parvo already this year, and she didn't want us to risk it. They usually see 4 or 5 a year.

I think he ended up having his last one at around 14 weeks, and that first 6 weeks we had him we felt like complete shut ins... it was so hard not to go out and about - but worth waiting for.

If there hadn't been much parvo around we might have gone out after the 2nd vaccination.

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I'm already taking Nova out places, but I carry him, we go to coffee, small walks around places (not very long he is getting heavy), a few shops that let him come in. Socialisation is worth sore arms smile.gif

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We just kept asking people to come visit, and bring kids etc.

I'm not too worried about his socialisation now - I think we just got really lucky with his temperament! He is so happy and excited to meet and play with anyone at all - human or dog.

It makes him hard to walk though - he goes absolutely ballistic with excitement if we come across anyone at all when we're walking. And the same again at obedience - extreme excitement and wanting to play for an hour straight... I always come home with sore hands... I'm working so hard at his loose leash walking but it all goes out the window as soon as there's a distraction. I should be grateful he's not fearful or aggressive I guess.

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I put a call out on fb...

and took him in to work. once people saw how cute he was I had some colleagues bring family to come visit. worked out ok in the end!

Still didn't have as many visitors as I wanted, but we had enough.

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Murphy had been vaccinated with the C3 at 6 weeks of age. I took him for a check up within a few days of bringing him home & the vet said to bring him back at 10 weeks for a C5 vaccine. He doesn't need another one until 14 months now. I phone a few vets around this area and they all advised me that if he had the C5 then he only needed the 1 between 10 - 14 weeks. He was allowed to start obedience with this schedule as well.

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My boy had C3 at 8 weeks. Just before 12 weeks I have C4 and then four weeks later at 16 weeks he got C5.

As soon as he had the 12 week vac, Tank was walking on footpaths. My vet said he didn't even really need to wait until this time (for my area) though he did say to avoid Woolloomooloo. Tank had his 16 week shot and was running around in a park the same day.

I was super worried at first too, but I just spoke to other owners who had obviously brought up puppies in my area and just felt them out re what their vets had said and what their experience was. Tank was also playing with older dogs from 10 weeks inside at home.

Socialising them vs being over zealous about viruses I think has more benefits...

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I agree Smash, like I said, Nova has been out and about in my arms, with vet approval he is already going for tiny walks on the road near my house. As soon as he gets the ok after 2nd Vac, he will be walking on footpaths (obviously avoiding areas the vet says). And the week he has his 3rd Vac he will be starting beginners obedience.

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I went to the vets today and she said second they recommend 10-12 weeks, so I have rescheduled it for 11 weeks and last 16 weeks they prefer, so will get it done at 16 week then. She said he could go out after the second shot and there ARE cases are parvo in the area and they have a few being treated with it currently :(

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They also have puppy class at the vets, so he will go to that too and will take him to the kids school in mty arms after his second vaccination :) thanks so much for the replies :) x

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