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3rd Puppy Vac - Yes Or No?


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What are people's thoughts on having the 3rd puppy vac done?

I usually have my dogs vaccinated as pups and then a booster at around 15 months (C3 only) and then don't vaccinate again.

Arnold had his second vac at 11 weeks (first at 7 weeks) and I'm thinking does he really need the third? I'd prefer not to as i hate putting all this crap into him if not needed but then again if he needs it I'm happy to get it done.

Just after some thoughts and opinions please :)

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If you give the first vac @ 7 weeks, maternal immunity may override it = no protection. (This is not altogether scientific but you get the idea I hope). So, another vac is given at about 12 weeks just in case the first one didn't work.

So there is no need for a 3rd injection.

Google Dr Jean Dodd for further info.

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Depends - are both vacs a C5 or only a C3? Do you want C5 cover or only C3?

If you get them twice and they are both the same then you should be covered. It also depends on the brand. Protech is what my Vet recommended when discussing this recently. The maternal antibodies may cancel out the vacc.

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He would have had all the basics at 7 weeks, and a complete vacc at the second. Unless he's had a brand that guarentees 2 will cover I would go for a third. After having a dog with Parvo at a young age I think the benefit outweighs the risk.

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It depends on the type of vaccine system used in your state. I believe it differs from each state vet association. Some have just the 3 vacc system and some have both the 2 and 3 systems.

In Canberra, it is more common for vets to be on the 2 vacc system.

Read here: http://www.gungahlinvet.com.au/petcare-info/articles/new-vaccine-schedules-for-dogs.html

Edited by ziggyboy
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I would do a third- the three vaccines are not 'boosters' they are just trying to catch when the maternal antibodies decrease and the vaccine can actually work (you could wait till 12+ weeks and only ever give one shot). This most reliably happens after 12weeks of age, although the link above does show that some vaccines do have better response. I would probably err on the side of caution after seeing a pup that didnt respond at 10.5 weeks of age.

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It is fairly simple to follow Jean Dodds vaccination schedule

C3 Injections.

1st vaccination at 9 weeks

2nd vaccination at 12 weeks

3rd vaccination at 16-20 weeks

4th vaccination at approx 12 months of age.

No further vaccination required - except that clubs and kennels often still ask for yearly.....

Kennel cough 3 days prior to going into boarding - if required

This vaccination only lasts approx 6 months and only covers 2 of the 8 types of kennel cough.

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I would google for the manufacturers instructions. I was surprised that my last litter they said 3 and thought that was the vets pushing for it but when I looked it up the protocol for that vaccine was 3 if the first given before 10 weeks and 2 if given after. I ended up printing out those guidelines and putting them in my puppy pack as it had what ages to do each shot.

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We have parvo in our area and we had a 6 month old rottie die from it ... so our dogs received the third puppy shot. Our vet also recommended it due to the circumstances.

Our youngest wasn't well after the second shot and it was suspected he had a reaction ... but I opted to go ahead with the third shot anyway.

Edited by Tilly
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Nacho had two before I picked him up (Protech C3). My vet wanted to give him a 3rd just in case but I discussed it with his breeder and decided not to. He'll have another in 12 months and then that's it.

From Dogs Vic

Puppies should be vaccinated at 6-8 weeks, 12-14 weeks and then often at 16-18 weeks. Where Protech C3 vaccines are used you may not require the third vaccination. When vaccinating against canine cough at least two of these vaccinations need to be C5 vaccinations (unless using Forte Dodge intranasal form of kennel cough where only one of the vaccines needs to contain the canine cough).
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Take note that it says may not. I would want to find out when it is required and when it is not. My guess would be based on age of first vaccination.

I would also refer to the manufacturers info first to help with the decision.

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If you are only doing a C3 and it's a protech then you only need two.

It also depends on the individual dog, what kind of breeder it came from and the mother's vaccination status. So good breeders lower your chances of your puppy being vulnerable to those diseases.

If you want a C5 then the C5 part has to be done twice to have effect. I would have only stuck to a C3 as Envy had it at 6 weeks. So I would have only needed one more. But I want to get her used to boarding kennels so she needs a C5. So we had to get two more vaccinations as the C5 needs to be done twice. Depending on how often she needs to go to kennels etc will decide whether we get boosters or not. I would prefer to only do one booster at one year old and be done with it, then titre test.

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  On 11/07/2013 at 11:39 PM, piper said:

Take note that it says may not. I would want to find out when it is required and when it is not. My guess would be based on age of first vaccination.

I would also refer to the manufacturers info first to help with the decision.

Indeed. Where you live might be a factor too.

I think the risk in my case is very low so happy just to go with 2.

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You need to judge the risk of your pup contracting parvo...if you are going to keep her inside and take no outings or if there has been no parvo diagnosed in your area for over a year then I guess two vaccs are probably enough.

But in my personal opinion, if you want a well socialised dog, then take your puppy out a lot and get the third just to be safe.

Edited for fat finger typos.

Edited by RuralPug
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