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Good on you for planning to desex your boy and yes he will still be big, but it really depends what you are comparing him with, for example, he will be smaller than a Saint Bernard but much bigger than a Yorkie.

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Does anyone no if we desex our new 8th old american stuffy will he still be big

do you mean will he be "leggy" like some male dogs get when desexed young? Have a look at his front legs. Are his wrists smooth or knobbly. If they're knobbly he's still got some bone growing to do. I hope that makes sense.

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He's not going to develop the muscle mass and otherwise hold the ripped condition that he would if he were entire. If you are happy with him remaining entire and can responsibly care for him, then there is no need to desex him. If you are planning on it, leave him until at least 18 months to 2 years before doing so. This will allow for maximum growth and development.

Edited by WreckitWhippet
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Actually, he may get stockier after desexing than if you left him entire.


Most dogs do so need a little less food, adjust if you see him getting podgy.

Very responsible thing to do & better for him too. No humping, peeing on things marking his territory, whining after entire bitches close by or trying to escape to find them.

He will be a big boy as you expect this breed to be.

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He's not going to develop the muscle mass and otherwise hold the ripped condition that he would if he were entire. If you are happy with him remaining entire and can responsibly care for him, then there is no need to desex him. If you are planning on it, leave him until at least 18 months to 2 years before doing so. This will allow for maximum growth and development.


All the years I have been coming here and because I lean towards the rescue stuff, I have always been huge advocate of desexing so as not to add to the 'rescue' problem.

Our behaviourist was the one who pointed out to me that I had limited Zig's development (physically) by desexing him at 6 months old.

She seemed to be of the belief that dogs should be allowed to get to their full potential before desexing..

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I've also been involved with rescue for some years now, and agree that it's part of the package to desex rescue pups before adoption.

My personal preference for my own male dogs over the years has been to keep them intact. I've never had any issues with intact males - and the only male dogs I've owned have been Rottweilers (to date).

My preference for females is desexed, but that's because I don't really want to deal with cranky or slutty (and messy) bitches with any regularity. I currently have 4 female dogs, and the last 2 additions are "failed" rescue fosters - neither was desexed as a young pup... Pickles had her first season before desexing (and her growth plates had started to close), and Harper has just been done in the past couple of weeks at 10 months of age (her growth plates are starting to close). There was never any worry that the rescue girls weren't going to be desexed - I'd prefer they stay one-of-a-kind dogs thanks. My 2 older dogs were done as adults between the ages or 2 and 3, and had each had a litter prior.

As for temperament or physical changes after desexing - haven't been any major changes in any of my 4 girls apart from Pickles becoming more settled and "grown up" - but that may also have been due to her just gaining maturity as well. She can still be as silly as the next dog when it suits her... as can nearly 14 year old Zeddy... lol! None have gotten fat or lazy, and all are in astonishingly good health - so much so that my vet hates me for not visiting more often... *grin*


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No humping, peeing on things marking his territory, whining after entire bitches close by or trying to escape to find them.


Someone needs to tell my boy he is not desexed!

Personally I'll be keeping future dogs entire and bitches entire until they have come into season for the first time. (Because I trial I don't want to have to deal with entire bitches when I have no intention of breeding.) The more reading I do and the more research comes out the better it seems to be for them both from a temperament and a developmental point of view.

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No humping, peeing on things marking his territory, whining after entire bitches close by or trying to escape to find them.


Someone needs to tell my boy he is not desexed!

Personally I'll be keeping future dogs entire and bitches entire until they have come into season for the first time. (Because I trial I don't want to have to deal with entire bitches when I have no intention of breeding.) The more reading I do and the more research comes out the better it seems to be for them both from a temperament and a developmental point of view.

Someone needs to tell my desexed GIRL about the no humping rule :rofl:

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He's not going to develop the muscle mass and otherwise hold the ripped condition that he would if he were entire. If you are happy with him remaining entire and can responsibly care for him, then there is no need to desex him. If you are planning on it, leave him until at least 18 months to 2 years before doing so. This will allow for maximum growth and development.

I agree. If you plan on it I'd leave him until 18months - 2 years. I've gotten an Amstaff done abit young and he didn't grow too big.

Edited by Rocketeer
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My preference for females is desexed, but that's because I don't really want to deal with cranky or slutty (and messy) bitches with any regularity.

Lol sorry first time I have heard of the term 'cranky or slutty bitches' being applied to female dogs :laugh: I clearly have never owned an entire female.

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My preference for females is desexed, but that's because I don't really want to deal with cranky or slutty (and messy) bitches with any regularity.

Lol sorry first time I have heard of the term 'cranky or slutty bitches' being applied to female dogs :laugh: I clearly have never owned an entire female.

Seriously - some females can be a nightmare to live with when in season! It's like they've been possessed by some evil spirit a la The Exorcist... scary!

As for slutty - well... I've had bitches that would back up to anything with a pulse when in season... most embarrassing when one has visitors... *grin*


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I let my bitch have three seasons before spaying but I guess that's beside the point here...

I would also wait until at least 18 months with a medium/large breed dog but for sure you will need to be extra vigilant with fencing and such because your boy will be able to smell bitches on heat for kilometres and do his darnest to go and visit them, which could put him in danger of being run over by a car, being impounded by the ranger or even being shot by a farmer, depending on where you live.

Edited by BlackJaq
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Best I tell my boy, since he is entire, that he should be a delinquent and pissing on everything and humping everything!!!!

I would personally leave it until 14 to 18 months. Obviously if cannot keep an entire bitch from being misnamed do it before her first season.

Edited by OSoSwift
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Best I tell my boy, since he is entire, that he should be a delinquent and pissing on everything and humping everything!!!!

I would personally leave it until 14 to 18 months. Obviously if cannot keep an entire bitch from being misnamed do it before her first season.

Its the senile delinquent in my house who's the pee artist. He's desexed.

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It's my bitch that will pee in this house, but only if she has to hang on longer than she thinks is suitable, so it happens rarely but it will happen if you hit the snooze but one more time than she thinks is appropriate!

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