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Pers, If the eyes need surgery then that would be done prior to placement. Skin can be an issue but there it is not a huge problem. (I've seen way more entropion than allergy and most of that is just flea allergy so if you keep your flea tx up then the dog is fine. I have just discovered the wonders of Megaderm being added to their diet as well. It does wonders for their coats. SPF affects about 1 in 4 dogs and usually occurs when the dog is under stress. I would be very surprised if a dog just in care did not exhibit a fever so Miss Squish would be able to say if she had suffered any. Fevers are self limiting (no more than three days) and if you get them early with an asprin or an NSAID (with food) then the dog can be back to normal within as little as 6 - 12 hours.

Please don't write a Shar Pei off. There are healthy ones out there and they can be lovely companions.

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