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Band Breeds In Australia


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(I would love to breed Dogo Arg.) -_-

Why? You have experience in large, powerful guarding breeds that are sharp as a knifes edge? You have experience in protection and dominant dogs? You have the power to choke off or slam down your own dog when it decides to have a go at you?

No. Few people in Australia do. These romantic notions of nawwww I wanna breed the banned breeds BS sometimes makes me glad we DON'T have these dogs in the country. We're incapable of controlling the watered down stuff we have let alone strong breeds like this.

BSL is crap yes, but 1) idiots keep breeding pound fodder and 2) people keep buying these dogs and then crying when they get seized. Yes it's the dog that suffers but we can't get the whole dog management thing through our thick heads in this country at all. We are miles behind a lot of western countries in training and management I think work on education before beating the same BSL is bad drum.

..:clap:.....good post Nekhbet.

+1, excellent post :thumbsup:

+ 1 totally agree

In agreement here as well...

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It shits me to be honest. Yes people do bad things but dogs are still dogs, some breeds more primitive, forceful and advance then others, that is a fact. Too many airy fairys in the world that think romantic notions and rainbows will make everyone get along.

Management, experience and training will keep dogs in line and improve our chances of retaining and reowning these powerful breeds. I get enough tough cases who think they can own powerful breeds, they go down several pegs very quickly. All I have to do is hand them a toy and let my young Mal bitch off lead, she's fast as a viper and extremely dominant - it's enough to make a few people hand the toy back before even playing with her, others play tug once and throw in the towel. So far I only have ONE person willing to spend time with her every week to learn how to handle working dogs but he appreciates the skill it takes to own dogs like this. Conversely those that think yanking a big dog around will make it comply get a corrective collar around their wrist and I treat them like the dog.

If we want BSL overturned we need to bring back realistic dog training, bring back equipment, bring back acceptance of sportdog clubs so these breeds have somewhere to go and someone to help control them and raise them right. Bring back common bloody sense in the community and the government will have to follow to overturn. You can't expect them to end BSL when we're out there still making the same bloody mistakes over and over again, and the attitude in this country is that of 'screw the law I'll do what I want' instead of tackling the ISSUES head on properly to ensure dog welfare is actually achieved. Why do you think they keep tightening the noose?

Another great post......I am beginning to like your insights very much Nekhbet :thumbsup:

What annoys me is it's fine to promote and legislate for community safety and responsible dog ownership, then they ban by legislation the products required to achieve responsible ownership of powerful breeds. They ban prong and Ecollars, bite sports and protection training for the betterment of the dogs and the community so effectively it leaves owners of powerful breeds all dressed up with nowhere to go :o

They ban protection type training because it can teach a dog to bite sure it can, but what they don't take into consideration is that protection type training with dogs of high level social aggression teaches those dogs to discriminate between threat and non threating situations, it can also teach fear biters to re-assess their desire to lunge and bite when shut down a few times by an experienced decoy, so many positives can be made from protection type training to rehabilitate the very dogs and breeds they are legislating against.

Same goes for equipment, they ban prong and ecollars, the very tools often best suited to train and control the type of dogs who do cause problems in the community........what do these idiots making the legislations expect :confused:

Edited by Santo66
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(I would love to breed Dogo Arg.) -_-

Why? You have experience in large, powerful guarding breeds that are sharp as a knifes edge? You have experience in protection and dominant dogs? You have the power to choke off or slam down your own dog when it decides to have a go at you?

No. Few people in Australia do. These romantic notions of nawwww I wanna breed the banned breeds BS sometimes makes me glad we DON'T have these dogs in the country. We're incapable of controlling the watered down stuff we have let alone strong breeds like this.

BSL is crap yes, but 1) idiots keep breeding pound fodder and 2) people keep buying these dogs and then crying when they get seized. Yes it's the dog that suffers but we can't get the whole dog management thing through our thick heads in this country at all. We are miles behind a lot of western countries in training and management I think work on education before beating the same BSL is bad drum.

exactly. Having just heard about the death of two small dogs (in separate incidents) because other people couldn't control their large dogs, I'd say none of the messages are getting through to the morons in the country, people that should be getting their dogs trained and under control and wearing muzzles most likely for the safety of all.

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What annoys me is it's fine to promote and legislate for community safety and responsible dog ownership, then they ban by legislation the products required to achieve responsible ownership of powerful breeds. They ban prong and Ecollars, bite sports and protection training for the betterment of the dogs and the community so effectively it leaves owners of powerful breeds all dressed up with nowhere to go :o

They ban protection type training because it can teach a dog to bite sure it can, but what they don't take into consideration is that protection type training with dogs of high level social aggression teaches those dogs to discriminate between threat and non threating situations, it can also teach fear biters to re-assess their desire to lunge and bite when shut down a few times by an experienced decoy, so many positives can be made from protection type training to rehabilitate the very dogs and breeds they are legislating against.

Same goes for equipment, they ban prong and ecollars, the very tools often best suited to train and control the type of dogs who do cause problems in the community........what do these idiots making the legislations expect :confused:

They don't care and few want to care. It's freaking irritating, it's a contributing factor of the drop in decent working genetics as well, you cant breed dogs that you basically condemn to a life of death either through lack of home or inevitable euthanasia due to lack of control. The services are already lacking, it's the civilians that breed the dogs that protect our homes and our country.

ALL DOGS BITE. YOU CANT TEACH A DOG TO DO WHAT IT ALREADY KNOWS - Proper training teaches them to control their impulses, give them an outlet and make them controllable in society. 10 years ago I remember when the Schutzhund clubs were still around, the hero's were put in their place and made to realise it's not thump your chest and have a mean dog on the end of the lead, it's a skill and a lot of work.

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