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Recommended Kennels In Eltham Area (vic)?


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Hi all,

Can anyone recommend a good kennel in the Eltham area for our German Shepherd and Bernese Mountain Dog?

We are looking to leave them there for 10 days in late July.

Thanks in advance.

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Always happy to recommend Cottage Kennels in Plenty - my dogs aren't kennelled a lot and I am a worry wort. Last visit, the dogs were there for 3 weeks and poor Zig had a nasty anal sac abscess lanced 48 hours before I dropped him off. I was going overseas for a conference so couldn't exactly delay my departure but was confident they were in good hands...I asked for pics to be sent mid-trip and I was so pleased to see the condition they were in. As much as possible I board them during off-peak which means they spend a lot of the day in the exercise yards provided the weather is good. The facilities are very secure, the staff are lovely and I like the way my dogs are fed separately and the pen is cleaned without them in it. I send a special diet for the Dally and Em has whatever they have on offer.

My Springer is quite shy with strangers so I was pleased to see her looking so relaxed:


And Zig looked so fit and well...



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If the people I knew were still working at Rilton Kennels I would say go there... but from what I have heard the new part owner is an idiot and drove away all the staff members I knew who genuinely cared about the animals in their care. He's employed all his mates instead so I can't guarantee the quality of care there anymore.

I feel sorry for the other owners.

I'd second Cottage Kennels, It's just down the road from me, looks fantastic from the outside with a neat, clean property (it's ALWAYS so neat and clean) and I also met one of the girls who works there and she's lovely.

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