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Too Far You Have Taken This Dog Grooming.


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Very clever - and all the dogs look quite happy. If you are a dog I don't suppose it matters if you are green and purple. And they probably love all the attention :)

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Guest Clover

It's not like they are harmed being creatively groomed, I would rather see that than a matted horrid mess of a dog.

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Why feel sorry for the dogs??? They don't care what they look like andprobably love all the extra attention they get during the grooming process and afterwards.


It's not like they are harmed being creatively groomed, I would rather see that than a matted horrid mess of a dog.

And having seen some horrendously matted dogs, I would much prefer this.

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Absolutely ridiculous to me.

The dog would have to be trained to tolerate it & would put up with it, dogs do as they are told are trained to do even when they don't like it & I can't see it enjoying it.

A good brush, a clip & a blow dry done gently may be of some pleasure but hanging around wet with bits of hair divided & spending long periods being positioned this way & that would not be an enjoyable experience with my knowledge of grooming dogs.

They do get tired & not like long, drawn out work done on them & this would be very prolonged & awkward for them.

There is a middle line between neglected & groomed to this extreme.

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This explains the process: http://www.petedge.com/library/library.jsp?pageName=bs_creativegrooming

The dogs are not on the table for long amounts of time. 1 to 3 hour sessions. To put in context, it takes two hours on average for me to just wash and dry a Pyrenean. My dogs are well used to the grooming and even enjoy it as it is special one on one time. I have trained them from puppies to find it enjoying and certainly not stressful or painful.

Edited by espinay2
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Christina you took the words out of my mouth. Anything over an hour for grooming IMO is too much in one go. Any dog i groom is given a break if the whole process is going to take more than an hour.

These dogs look like they are being treated as play toys for everyone's amusement.

I have dyed my own dogs ears in the past but they were on the table for no more than 20 mins to have it done.

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Christina you took the words out of my mouth. Anything over an hour for grooming IMO is too much in one go. Any dog i groom is given a break if the whole process is going to take more than an hour.

These dogs look like they are being treated as play toys for everyone's amusement.

I have dyed my own dogs ears in the past but they were on the table for no more than 20 mins to have it done.

So are poodle exhibitors also going too far?

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A couple of the dogs look stressed and the one with the Madagascar theme looks frightened if you look closely at its stance.

I think a lot of breeders/exhibitors are ridiculous with what they put their dogs through.

Grooming should be there for comfort, seeing dogs harnessed up for hours on a table is awful.

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