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Augustines Superboost


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I am in agreement with Steve on this. Short term supplementation to help with a specific problem is one thing, but if you need to daily supplement with a bunch of stuff, especially a bunch of stuff lacking rigourous analysis and quality control, you need to be looking at the basic diet instead. My only exception to that is the Omega oils, even then I buy human grade, and try to feed so it isn't necessary.

Edited by Diva
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I find that whole website totally confusing. Is the nutritional breakdown for the PRODUCT ie the Supplement. Or the breakdown of the DIET. Perhaps I'm just a Nong (I'm probably a Nong).

I have just finished my first container of the Superboost, can't say I've seen any miracle results. I had Dory on raw diet for about a month before using it and Willow has been getting some as well.

No supplement is going to deliver you miracle results because miracles don't exist. If your dog doesn't have a need for improvement of overall health then there isn't a need for a supplement. If your dog is in need of a bit of a boost then allow 8 weeks for that to occur. If it doesn't occur then try a different supplement and/or speak with your Vet.

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I find that whole website totally confusing. Is the nutritional breakdown for the PRODUCT ie the Supplement. Or the breakdown of the DIET. Perhaps I'm just a Nong (I'm probably a Nong).

I have just finished my first container of the Superboost, can't say I've seen any miracle results. I had Dory on raw diet for about a month before using it and Willow has been getting some as well.

No supplement is going to deliver you miracle results because miracles don't exist. If your dog doesn't have a need for improvement of overall health then there isn't a need for a supplement. If your dog is in need of a bit of a boost then allow 8 weeks for that to occur. If it doesn't occur then try a different supplement and/or speak with your Vet.

Very sensible words sas. And Rosetta as well who said:

Since when did feeding our dogs become such rocket science? Don't know how they survived in the days when most dogs just got left overs :D I think the pet food industry have profited greatly by making feeding more complicated than it is.

I learnt a lesson again this week. I ran a blood panel for each of my two oldest westies last week (I do them every 12 months for the older two). And they came back 'perfect' according to the vet who seemed very surprised for dogs who are almost 12 and almost 14. I feed Adelaide Dog raw formula, bulk it up with veg. In the mornings I feed chicken necks and wings. Once a week roughly they get homebrand mackeral and sardines; RMBs a couple of times a week and a little grain free dry as the emergency back-up. They also get some leftovers on occasions (roast chook, roast lamb and roast veg (with a little gravy! embarrass.gif) are favorites - no cooked bones of course) No preservatives, colours or flavours.

My feeding routine is simple, cheap, human grade and straight forward (I can't manage anything complicated!. embarrass.gif). Everything comes from the supermarket or butcher except their crunchy lamb treats and the Adelaide Dog formula - and thats one detour on the way home from work every couple of weeks.

Really I think a blood panel will tell you how well you are going and whether or not you need to do any supplementation.smile.gif

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I find that whole website totally confusing. Is the nutritional breakdown for the PRODUCT ie the Supplement. Or the breakdown of the DIET. Perhaps I'm just a Nong (I'm probably a Nong).

I have just finished my first container of the Superboost, can't say I've seen any miracle results. I had Dory on raw diet for about a month before using it and Willow has been getting some as well.

No supplement is going to deliver you miracle results because miracles don't exist. If your dog doesn't have a need for improvement of overall health then there isn't a need for a supplement. If your dog is in need of a bit of a boost then allow 8 weeks for that to occur. If it doesn't occur then try a different supplement and/or speak with your Vet.

Very sensible words sas. And Rosetta as well who said:

Since when did feeding our dogs become such rocket science? Don't know how they survived in the days when most dogs just got left overs :D I think the pet food industry have profited greatly by making feeding more complicated than it is.

I learnt a lesson again this week. I ran a blood panel for each of my two oldest westies last week (I do them every 12 months for the older two). And they came back 'perfect' according to the vet who seemed very surprised for dogs who are almost 12 and almost 14. I feed Adelaide Dog raw formula, bulk it up with veg. In the mornings I feed chicken necks and wings. Once a week roughly they get homebrand mackeral and sardines; RMBs a couple of times a week and a little grain free dry as the emergency back-up. They also get some leftovers on occasions (roast chook, roast lamb and roast veg (with a little gravy! embarrass.gif) are favorites - no cooked bones of course) No preservatives, colours or flavours.

My feeding routine is simple, cheap, human grade and straight forward (I can't manage anything complicated!. embarrass.gif). Everything comes from the supermarket or butcher except their crunchy lamb treats and the Adelaide Dog formula - and thats one detour on the way home from work every couple of weeks.

Really I think a blood panel will tell you how well you are going and whether or not you need to do any supplementation.smile.gif

Yep I believe every dog owner especially those who own breeding dogs should have these done every year - can often pick up danger signs and lets you know if they are down with anything. Can show red lights for precursors to thing such as addisons disease etc too.

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My feeding routine is almost identical to yours westiemum, so I hope my guys at 12 & 14 years of age we too can get 'perfect' blood panels tests :thumbsup:

I use all human grade supermarket meat, both beef & chic bulked up with raw grated veg, broc,zucchini etc,raw egg's & Aldi sardines in oil, all mixed together for their dinner at night

with a splash of omega 3 & 6. & a sprinkle of Augustines. 1/2 chic carcess or smallish meaty each day mid morning. Earthborn Holistic fish variety is kept for back up & only a small amount is given.

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My feeding routine is almost identical to yours westiemum, so I hope my guys at 12 & 14 years of age we too can get 'perfect' blood panels tests :thumbsup:

I use all human grade supermarket meat, both beef & chic bulked up with raw grated veg, broc,zucchini etc,raw egg's & Aldi sardines in oil, all mixed together for their dinner at night

with a splash of omega 3 & 6. & a sprinkle of Augustines. 1/2 chic carcess or smallish meaty each day mid morning. Earthborn Holistic fish variety is kept for back up & only a small amount is given.

Your dogs look beautiful BC! thumbsup1.gif This diet isn't hard or expensive and I ifnd it really easy to manage. And dog food has become sooooo expensive! Raw and mackeral is far cheaper and one can with veg here does three westies for a meal! (I mix the can contents with the veg and warm very slightly and call it 'fishy in a dishy'! My guys go nuts for it). I really don't understand why people spend so much money on expensive dog food as the main food.confused.gif (Ducking for cover...smile.gif)

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Just have to say we feed Augustine Approved to the rescue dogs we feel need some help, many come in emaciated and not in good overall condition and I'm happy with the product.

I personaly don't believe in feeding any supplements to dogs who don't need it - feed a high quality diet (one that actually is not because other people say it is or what the packaging says it is) and you most likely won't have to deal with finding supplements but there are going to be those cases such as skin disease that your dog needs additional support.

I also like Greenpets daily supplements, I'm sure there's a bunch of awesome ones out there that fit specific needs if you need something specific.

I'm very proud to be the guardian of a 13 year old Great Dane who is fed BARF and gets the necessary supplementation to support her. You get out what you put in (in addition to what mother nature gave you to start with).

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The only 'supplement' I feed is cranberry powder, and that's because one of my pugs is prone to UTI's and the cranberry keeps them under control. They are on a raw diet, homemade meat/veggie mix and bones/carcasses so really no other supplements needed.

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The only 'supplement' I feed is cranberry powder, and that's because one of my pugs is prone to UTI's and the cranberry keeps them under control. They are on a raw diet, homemade meat/veggie mix and bones/carcasses so really no other supplements needed.

Yep MM and sas - they're the perfect examples - supplement only when demonstrably required. My guys skin is fine, poos firm and not too much and bloods 'perfect' - so at the moment I don't need to supplement at all.

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My boy needed supplement around 8 months ago as his coat went right down hill due to a bad dry food intolerance. He just lacked his normal healthy look & had a very strange odour about him.

Had the Vet check him out & came up with a clean bill of health. So I just tinkered around with his diet & he hasn't looked back. His coat has improved 100%. Now I don't know what exactly I

have done to help him out, which is the key ingredient that benefits him but while ever he looks & acts so happy & well I'm going to continue with it.

Thanks for your kind comments regarding my guys Westiemum :)

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We don't use supplements. I would only use them if they were actually needed as others have said.

It's like humans paying for vitamins and just peeing them out because they aren't deficient in the first place.

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