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Awesome Home For Medium Size Bitza On The Sth Coast Nsw

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A friend of mine asked me tonight about where he should get a dog and I thought I might be able to hook him up :) He's looking for a young dog around the 10-18 months sort of age(so past the worst of the puppy stage but still young), medium size, no specific breed in mind but wants short hair(might consider wirey type though if I suggested a good one) and medium exercise requirements(will take for walks, etc but not wanting to have to run it three times a day to keep it happy if you know what I mean ;) ) Had a purebred doberman in the past and is now looking for something a bit smaller and actually specifically was looking for more of a bitza type(probably not so much a bull breed mix though, prefers a leaner body type).

As far as him, he is a middle aged single bloke with a big back yard close to the water, really lovely guy who just wants a dog to keep him company. His place is well fenced(he's in the process of fixing up a few spots in preparation for getting a dog), pretty sure it's colourbond type fencing. He does work(self employed plumber) so wants to be sure the dog doesn't suffer from seperation anxiety type issues/ problem barker, etc if he's out for the day. I am 100% happy to vouch for him and willing to undertake a proper yard check, etc if anyone needs it.

He is located south of Nowra on the south coast.

I will be seeing him again next Wednesday so I'm hoping that if people have any dogs they think might suit they could provide(or point me in the direction of) their profiles and I can print them out and take them with me and sit down and have a further chat about whether any of them might suit his household :)

Edited by kelpiecuddles
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Have been trawling petrescue. If anyone from these groups has any further insight into the suitability( or location/availability) of these dogs I'd greatly appreciate it.

Riverina rescue

Lexi - black and white border collie X kelpie

Sammi - Staffy X

Best friends Rescue

Rosy - Border collie mix

Rocky's K9 rescue

Bella - small am staff

Lucy - looks like pointer X?

Puppy Love Rescue

Megs - cattle X staffy?


Lucky - kelpie X (shepherd?) (wondering if she's too big?)

Saffi - kelpie X (am staff?)

I've printed out the profiles for all these dogs, happy to add some to the pile or remove them if anyone has specific insight into any of these dogs and thinks they may not suit

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He doesn't work long hours(chooses his hours as he's self employed) and may even be able to take the dog with him to some jobs, he does a mixture of work though so there may be some days where the dog has to stay behind, it's part of the reason he's not wanting a young puppy.

he also has a friend not far down the road where doggy play days would be possible if needed some days ;)

Edited by kelpiecuddles
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Sighthounds are prone to separation anxiety. I wouldn't put a working breed there either.

You need something laid back and able to cope on their own, as you say.

How far is Nowra from Canberra? ARF in Canberra have a form that you can lodge when you are looking for a dog.

Edited by dogmad
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She sounds lovely and obviously does OK during the day left alone but I guess it would depend how well she did without other doggy company. He lives in a small town surrounded by bushland areas and beaches so would be able to exercise easily though I'm not sure whether stitch would need more than that(although he does have a large yard so might be happy to have a good play and run around in the yard in the mornings/arvos and then a walk the other end of the day)

My kelpie would be perfect for him but she's the exception rather than the rule on working dogs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

He found a dog! She's a 9 month old german shepherd X (something boofy). She was rescued from the pound by friends of his a while ago but they had come to realise that she was just too much for them with a young family and he offered to take her on. :) He was gleefully telling me how they've been trotting around down the beach, meeting some of the other local dogs and how she's got quite good recall already and very good doggy manners. We have had bad flooding here last week and he was telling me how he has paw prints all over his floorboards because he couldn't bare for her to be outside during that weather LOL. He said her recall needs some work under distraction when there are other dogs around(she doesn't run off to go see them but if they are playing and the other dog leaves with their owner she will trot along and try to follow LOL) so I gave him some advice on that to help him get her a bit more focused on him.

Sounds like it's working out very well so far and he's very pleased to be owned by a dog again :D

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Sounds like it's working out very well so far and he's very pleased to be owned by a dog again :D

And it's good, too, that he has you for any additional support.... like with the tips for better recall. The right bit of advice at the right time, can make a huge difference.

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