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Is This Normal Behaviour For A Dog ...


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.... we lost the cancer battle with our beloved whippet boy Coby on Tuesday.

I have noticed that my little Poppy (JRT) seems quite withdrawn and sad. She seems to be keeping to herself and not really taking much interest in anything. Even on our walks she seems down. She is eating, but even thats not with her normal gusto.

She was with us when Coby was given his wings - and she had always been with us when I was doing his treatments etc.

If she is still acting like this on Tuesday I'll get the vet to give her a check up - just incase there is something more sinister going on.

She still has her other 2 whippet playmates - so its not as if she is suddenly without any doggie buddies.

Any ideas would be appreciated

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Sorry for the loss of Coby. Dogs grieve just like people do. It may take 2 - 3 weeks for her to adjust. Treat her as normal.

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Kenzie was with me when Emma was PTS. She was distinctly depressed for a few weeks after. She had only known life with Em. She was just flat, she'd lie on my bed just stating out the window for hours and became a bit clingy for a while. She picked up after a while, my aunt moved in with us with her dog and that certainly helped her heaps!

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Im sorry for you loss frown.gif *gentle hugs*

I remember Joey grieving for a while after we had Jenna PTS.. it took a while. See how she goes over the next few weeks, I think they pick up on our emotions as well x

Edited by Jules❤3Cavs
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thanks everyone

so I guess just give her time and wait for her to come around ...

maybe I'll take her for a drive tomorrow - she usually loves going visiting - so it might brighten her up a little

it does make sense though - she must be feeling as crappy as me

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I got very worried about one of my border collies as she was sooo sad when her friend passed away. I only had the 2 dogs and ended up getting a puppy ASAP. She picked up a bit when the new puppy arrived but sort of aged.

When Brock died Amber looked and looked for him. Was heartbreaking to watch.

Hugs CnB

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So sorry to hear about the loss of Coby. :(

I'm of the belief that dogs have the ability to grieve like humans do. She'll be missing Coby being around but I feel that given time, she'll come around.

I remember a few months ago when my best friend lost her dog of 10 1/2 years. My dog Zeus had grown up with her dog and after Chase was gone, we'd visit and he'd go looking for Chase and was very confused when she didn't come out to play for the first month of visiting. Now he's accepted her new puppy and has moved on.

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Sorry to hear Crits :(

When one of our little Chihuahuas went at 17 the vet did say that it can take two to three weeks for them to adjust to the change, we still had his litter sister and she was a bit down for the first couple of weeks.

I hope Poppy is back to herself soon.

Take care.

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When Tony died Zora was depressed for about a month. We just treated her like normal an she slowly came good again. We also used DAP for her.

They were quite strongly bonded though. I think the key is just to let them deal with it...

Edited by RallyValley
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I am so sorry for your loss. It's been almost 6 months since we lost Bella to cancer, where does the time go? Casper was a few meters from her when she passed away and for the first time in over 10 years found himself without his mate. He became very clingy to me (even more than normal) and although he still loved his walks, he was at a loss when we got to the parks as he usually followed Bella around. I just made sure he got lots of walks which tired him out so he slept a lot. Being an older boy it's quite easy to tire him out.

I would say do the things that Poppy loves doing the most, if it's going for a drive, then take her for lots of drives. It's heart breaking, especially when you are dealing with Coby's loss.

Good luck, I hope she improves quickly.

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