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Do You Believe In Dog?


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excerpt :

MAGIC BONESPattison et al. The case of the magic bones: Dogs’ memory of the physical properties of objects.How can I not mention a paper talking about magic bones? “Using a procedure popular with preverbal infant researchers, [the researchers] allowed dogs to initially observe a bone and then to subsequently view the bone changed in either size or color. Dogs gazed longer at a bone changed in either way, compared to a control presentation of an unchanged bone. Dogs apparently encoded and remembered both the size and color of the bone.” *
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Brilliant site. Thanks for posting.

And bless them.... there's the research that found companion dogs from non-commercial breeders do far better in behavioral terms, than those from pet stores which are sourced from commercial breeders.

The more home-style hobby breeding/raising done by the majority of registered breeders, allows for better socialisation. Our own UQ research spelled that aspect out, too.

For some reasons, this information is not used by legislators nor is it got to the pet-buying public.


Edited by mita
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