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What Am I Doing Wrong?


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So Jäger hasn't pee'd inside since he was about 6 months old - he's now 3 years. It's been raining on and off here for the past few days and usually when it rains he pee's on the concrete undercover near the car. That doesn't both me. But this morning I came downstairs and he had pee'd on the kitchen floor (just inside the dog door). I was cranky but just cleaned it up and went to work, didn't think any more of it. Tonight it's been raining really heavily and we have been keeping a close eye on him but I gave up and went to bed. Was in bed for about 5 mins - Jäger sleeps on the bed with us - and he stood up, he was just sitting next to me, walked to the end of the bed and pee'd! It wasn't just a dribble, it was a full bladder.

I just don't know what I have done wrong to cause this to happen, his routine hasn't changed, food hasn't changed, I'm just baffled. So I pulled his crate out and he is currently asleep in it next to the spare bed - where we will be sleeping tonight - guess he will be sleeping in that for a while so that he had to tell me when he needs to go to the toilet and I can take him out and supervise.

All his other behavior is normal, eating normal, energy levels etc.

Any ideas on what might have caused this? Do I just go back to puppy toilet training with him? At least we don't have a busy weekend planned so I can keep an eye on him all weekend and make sure he goes outside.

If it was just the kitchen floor then I would have put it down to a one off laziness due to the consistent rain, but to pee on the bed that we - and he - sleep in is far from normal for most dogs right???

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Vet check first for a U T I ...

then .. if that's all clear , YOU need to go out with him and play in the rain , making sure he toilets ....

(n the meantime , if you have any cranberry tabs /powder maybe try him on them ? a couple of decent pinches of powder for a smallish dog - I use a decent pinch for cats .)

Also.. perhaps have him sleep on teh floor ;)

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I think your dog was just simply busting to wee from being a princess & refusing to get his tootsies wet and go pee and simply couldn't hold on any longer. I bet the same would of happened in his crate.

So you're just going to need to be more vigilant when it's raining and make sure he goes out to pee regularly. Unfortunately You're going to have to go out with him.

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Yes vet check. He may be having trouble controlling it.

But also know they often want to avoid the rain and cold.

So if the vet says all clear it's back to basics - take him out, wait with him to wee, reward wearing outside, only let him free in the house when you know he is empty.

He'll be back on track in no time.

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Maybe try getting him a rain coat so he doesn't get cold/wet in the rain? I know it sounds awfully girlish but my Wei always wants her coat on to toilet outside in the rain if we are all inside. if we are already outside anyways and she is warm from exercising and running around it's obviously not a problem but if she is inside in the warm and needs to go out she will stand at the edge of the veranda and just look at me until I put the coat on. As soon as the coat on = no problem

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My fully house trained dog did a huge wee inside just out of the blue. We took her to the vet and she had a urinary tract infection and needed antibiotics to clear it up.

Maybe your dog is trying to tell you all is not well down there.

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We are booked into the vet this afternoon for a check up and i have been taking him out to the park at the end of our street for toilet breaks. We used to do this when we were in Sydney (lived in an apartment) so the morning and afternoon toilet walks are not a new thing. But since we moved to Melbourne he has been happy to use the courtyard.

Saturday morning i took him to a local off leash park in the rain and he was not happy with me. He stood under a tree while i danced and ran around like a fool in the rain. He only came out when it slowed to a light sprinkle and then sniffed around and we played fetch with a stick for awhile. I didnt want to force him into the rain in case this just made it worse but we will see. We left on a good note while it was still lightly spitting.

We will stick to the toilet breaks twice a day and see how that goes for awhile. So far we havent had any more accidents since the bed wetting so fingers crossed it was just him being a bit of a princess. But we will check with the vet just to be sure.

Thanks for all the replies.

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