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Photo Fails


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Oh, ouch!

Hope the camera was ok ... that's my main thought with photo injuries!

When I was in Croatia a friend I was travelling with fell off a wall whilst trying to take a photo. It was dark and she stepped onto what looked like solid ground, but it was a layer of vines and branches so she went straight through them. The rest of us screamed "not the camera" while she was hanging on for dear life :laugh: (her feet were about 3 inches from the ground, we later found out, so it hindsight it was hilarious :p )

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Almost. I went to a rodeo in Queanbeyan not long ago, I wanted to see if they have improved and also take photos. Was sitting in the suicide seats at the fence and a horse came straight at me. He hit the fence and it buckled in and I felt it but it held enough to stop him collapsing on me. It was a close call and I even had the press photo for the news story, the last thing she ever saw :laugh: Irony was it was the only appy there, killed by an appy would be rather disturbing considering I love them for their steady nature :rofl:

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Oh yeah... can definitely relate to getting barreled by dogs whilst taking head on photos...

The worst injury I've had was when taking pics of a 65kg mastiff cross running at me. I was sitting on a plastic garden chair, and snapping away, when she got close enough to leap onto my lap... that chair was not designed to hold her weight and mine combined, and it shattered underneath us. Picture me suddenly dropping to the ground (concrete of course) bum first with dog on top (obviously for the softer landing). I had the coolest huge multicoloured bruise on my butt for the longest time... but the camera didn't have a scratch on it... *grin*


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yep, can confess to having been involved looking through a viewfinder at my shot, and taking a couple of steps backwards to get just the perfect framing - and falling off a walkway - fortunately onto some bushes - and yes, also copped the - is the camera OK, before anyone asked how I was. Wrenched my knee as I was falling in my bodies fleeting attempt to keep me upright, but it was OK in a couple of days. And yes, the camera was OK.

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