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Inflammatory Rhinitis


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Hi I am hoping someone may be able to help me. My 12 year ols rottie x boy has had a runny snotty nose for over 4 months now. He was sneezing and had a constant run of thick mucus. He has had 2 different vets scope him and take biopsies and also had a CT. There was no cancer (thank god!) or fungus and he was put on antibiotics. He has now tried 4 different types of antibiotics which hasnt really helped.

He has fish oil capsules, Fess nose drops and caprieve (he cannot have prednisolone as he the worst reactions to it and loses all his muscle mass within a couple of days. The last time he was put on it he dropped to 35kgs (from 51kgs) and we nearly lost him.

They are saying its inflammatory rhinitis and they dont know whats causing it or how to stop it. They said if it continues they would biopsy and scope again.

Has anyone experience anything like this? I just dont know what else to try! I am willing to try anything to help him!

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If it is inflammatory rhinitis I don't think antibiotics will work because its not an infection as such. I'm only speaking in terms of me personally suffering this (I live with permanently blocked sinuses) not from having a dog with the same condition.

I use a nasal spray but I don't know if this is a viable option for dogs. Perhaps you could try giving your boy on antihistamines and see if that helps. The only problem with this is that you'll need to keep trying all available antihistamines until you find one that works.

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I think the put him on the antibiotics as at one stage the snot started going yellowy green. Since being on the antibiotics it is looking better more like a clear yellow but the runny nose is still going. He seems to be worse late at night and in the morning but I cant work out what could be causing it! He sleeps on the same bed day and night, we have changed rugs on his bed but still not improvement. They have reswabbed his nose so waiting on those results.

i have been using Fess nose drops but they dont seem to do anything. And he is on antihistamines twice a day. Just a little lost!

Are they allergy safe beds you can buy?

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From what I know of it, if the discharge is only via one nostril it is not likely to be due to a bacterial or viral inflammation. Has the Vet checked for tooth abscess? Nostril discharge can be a symptom of this.

Edited by Erny
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  • 3 weeks later...

Well we just had another check up with the uni specialists. We are now trying steroids through a face mask and puffer as its most likely allergies. He cant have prednisolone or any of those drugs as he has a severe reaction so we are going the puffer way. His nose had cleared (a clear snot) but toward the end of the week got a bit yellow so they have put him back on antibiotics. I asked why it keeps getting infected and she said not to worry its because its hot and inflammed and wet so more likely to get infected it isnt anything we should worry about.

If the puffer doesnt work he is going to be allergy tested to see if we can pick what is setting him off. I am hoping we dont get to that and the puffers work!

Oh and he had only just had his teeth cleaned so not an abscess. That would be good if it was though cos we would at least know what to do with it!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thought I would give a quick update on my boy. Took him to another specialist vet and they repeated the rhinoscopy and biopsies. He had started getting blood noses and was very sore and not a happy boy. The vet was very concerned with the fact it was only on one side and said it is not allergies and its all well and good to say he has rhinitis but you need to know whats causing it.

So they did the rhinoscope and his nose is full of white fungal spores! He has aspergillus! They treated it while he was under so now we wait!! Hopefully it will do it and that will be it! At the moment he is very sore and bloodied but it will improve!

So glad I got a second opinion!!!

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Thank you, yes was feeling a lot better now I have some answers. He was very sore and an unhappy boy after the soak and they just got some more results back and he has a secondary bacterial infection on top of that. He sounds like he has a cold, all snotty when he breathes. The specialist said if we repeat the soak it will be in 4 weeks but he is going to start him on some other antibiotics for the bacterial one.

Thing is my normal vet said to me that he thinks they should be doing weekly soaks to make sire they clear the fungal infection so I am a bit confused. I know I should go with what the specialist says but he just got me worried.

Hopefully the first soak works and we wont have to worry anymore!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thought I would give a quick update on my boy. Took him to another specialist vet and they repeated the rhinoscopy and biopsies. He had started getting blood noses and was very sore and not a happy boy. The vet was very concerned with the fact it was only on one side and said it is not allergies and its all well and good to say he has rhinitis but you need to know whats causing it.

Regards the bolded part. Good on this Vet!! :thumbsup:

Too many times I've heard "colitis" given as a diagnosis. To me, that's a name for the symptom and not anything that goes towards what the cause is. Glad this Vet went beyond simply giving a medical-name to an irritation. Hope your boy is doing better now.

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