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Would You Guys Go To The Emergency Vet For This?


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Good evening all

My 10 month old shiba was desexed yesterday with 'no complications.' She peed fine (despite some whimpering) after we picked her up and passed a small stool last night before we tucked her into bed. She was very trembly and miserable yesterday but that's to be expected. I thought she'd be ok.

However, today she literally has not sat down once. She has been on her feet, standing since 6am. She refused all food and water all morning so we couldn't give her the painkiller prescribed, but at about 4pm I got her to eat some chicken with the tablet. It's only a twice-daily pain pill so I can't give her more now. She has been trembly all day, probably because she's getting more and more tired from standing. Now she's swaying on her feet and falling asleep so staggering to the side, catching herself and then starting all over again. Nothing I do can convince her to lie down. I've moved her crate into the room where we're sitting and put her in there and she's just standing in there, eyes closed, occasionally staggering into the sides of the crate. She normally puts herself to bed at about 9pm so this is beyond her bed time and I'm worried that she'll just stay like this all night and totally, completely exhaust herself which isn't what she needs when she should be healing.

I've never seen anything like this before... her wound is clean, dry and not red or hot to touch. She isn't hot around the ears, I don't think it's infected. She's had a small amount of food and water and has peed tonight so nothing is screaming 'emergency' but if your dog was in this situation would you take her to the vet? I'm assuming all they'd offer is sedation which I'd normally refuse... so I'm really unsure what to do :(

Thank you

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Would she settle down to sleep if you held her on your lap and stroked her?

ETA - I am definitely no expert but personally I probably wouldn't go to the vet now, as long as she will take water (do you have a syringe without a needle to squirt into her mouth if she won't lap?) or maybe some mushy food mixed with water syringed or teaspooned to make sure she's getting water and energy? Even weetbix with a little sugar or something just to get something into her. Then if she isn't better in the morning to a vet that open??

Anyone who actually knows please do correct me if need be!

Edited by Simply Grand
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She generally hates being held or stroked for long but accepted it on my lap for a short period of time. I thought we were winning the battle, but then she suddenly went nuts and tried to jump onto the floor which of course hurt her tummy, making her shriek and cry... she wouldn't let me try again :(

I sat on the ground with her and she accepted pats whilst lying down with my hand ON her, but after 5 minutes wouldn't take any more and got up for some more stubborn standing

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Sometimes the best thing you can do is go with your gut instinct- what is it telling you to do? Forget the academics of it all and what you think they may or may not do, or what you think your dog may or may not do. Go with your instincts. You know your dog better than anyone else and if something is screaming at you that things aren't right then go with it. If your instincts are saying to hold off and see what happens then by all means do that.

And then you get the peace of mind factor. Sometimes it is better just to take them in and fork out the cash then get absolutely no sleep yourself because you are so busy worrying about them, that they pick up on it and become uncertain and then don't settle themselves. Its a nasty cycle...

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Hmmm, edited my post to add more but it does sound like she might be best in her crate maybe with you with a hand inside on her? Without other symptoms of illness or infection it way just be pain and she's particularly sensitive to it.

So hard to know and I understand you hate to risk it :( I think if it were me I would stay up or sleep next to her and check her regularly for any changes tonight then vet check in the am.

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Giveher the other pain pill, open her mouth and shove it down her throat if she won't eat it, as long as it's ok to take without food. I had my kelpie done a few days ago and she hardly sat either, she was ina heap of pain but she finally laid down after I gave her some analgesics. Just check to make sure her gums are nice and pink and her stomach isn't distended at all but I'd just say she's in pain. It's slightly unusual but dogs react all different ways, Of course if you're worried call your vet and have a chat.

Edited by mixeduppup
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I am guessing that the pain meds that the OP was given came with instructions not to give unless the dog is eating- though I am happy to stand corrected. So it may not be possible for it to be safely given if the dog wont eat......

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I am guessing that the pain meds that the OP was given came with instructions not to give unless the dog is eating- though I am happy to stand corrected. So it may not be possible for it to be safely given if the dog wont eat......


She may have to pop into the vet tomorrow and get an injection if the dog is still in pain and not eating.

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Thanks everyone - I called the emergency vet (why didn't I think of that... what's wrong with me!) and they told me to give her a full tablet of tramadol instead of half and come down if she's shown no improvement in 30-60 minutes.

I was a bit of an idiot this morning trying to discourage her from licking the wound so I sprayed 'puppy-off' on my hands and rubbed it around (not on) her cut but of course that stuff is horrible and I can't seem to get it off my hands 100% so her chicken tasted terrible I assume! Had to convince the bf to handle the nasty raw chicken but we hid her tramadol in it and she has just eaten 20mg (I really hope that's not overdoing it for a 7kg dog.... the lady I spoke to checked dosages but it seems like a lot!)

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Sounds as though she is in pain and not taking it well. I think if I had a dog who was in such distress even if she is in no danger medically, I'd take her only for some painkillers with a strong sedative to get her to rest and that almost priceless thing - peace of mind.

She feels awful, you feel awful, she picks up on your vibes and she feels even worse ?? Perhaps, who knows.

I hope she is better soon, poor baby. And hugs to you too. Very scary when we want to help them, but they won't be comforted.

Sorry you were posting about your call to the E Vet when I was posting this.

Edited by Danny's Darling
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Oh thank you so much MUP!!! Her trembling just got really bad and I thought I'd overdosed her...

Keep an eye on her, if trembling increases a lot more call and take her in immediately, but in theory that dose shouldn't be an overdose.

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