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Can Dogs Smell Cancer


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  • 2 weeks later...

didn't see the documentary but our boy Dezzy when he had only been with us for one week was asleep on the couch in the loungeroom and got up and rang to our son's door and barked and barked....I got up to see what he was up to and opened the bedroom door and he went over to my son and started licking his face....my son was having a seizure....once he was satisfied he was okay Dezzy then went back to the loungeroom and went back to sleep on the couch....also when we were out doing our therapy work at a nursing home every time we visited a resident Dezzy kept licking the same spot on the mans left foot each time....after about 4 times of Dezzy doing this (as we went once a week) he thanked me for having such a wonderful dog as he had a problem at that exact place on his foot....we have never taught him to pick up these problems it is just a natural thing for Dezzy but our two girls have never picked anything like this up and have not even picked up our sons seizures :)

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