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Central West "facebook" Sheep Killer Caught And Charged!


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The picture in this news article has been doing the rounds the last few days on Facebook. Thought some might be interested in the outcome.

Warning for the picture in the link


A GRAPHIC photo of dead sheep beside a pig-hunting dog, posted on Facebook on Monday, has led to swift action by the police and a 22-year-old Orange man charged with animal cruelty offences.

Yesterday police visited a Mullion Creek property and identified the carcasses of several dead sheep found on a nearby road after they were reported missing by a landowner.

Late yesterday afternoon a man was arrested and interviewed at Orange Police Station.

He was charged with six counts of aggravated cruelty upon an animal, seven counts of committing an act of cruelty on an animal, one count of entering enclosed land and five counts of stealing livestock.

The posting of the photograph on the social media site drew an instant response from the public with a barrage of comments condemning the man's actions. Police launched an investigation to see if the Facebook posting and the landowner's complaint were linked.

The Facebook photograph of two men with three dead sheep laid out beside a hunting dog was taken at night in front of a vehicle with the number plate clearly displayed.

Police said yesterday the sheep were identified as being from the property where the owner had reported his sheep missing on Friday night.

Yesterday, police alleged the animals had not been shot, with the carcasses displaying injuries that suggested they had been mauled by a dog and stabbed.

Jo Shearim, part-owner of Bullets n Bits, a hunting supply store in Orange, said the business was inundated with calls from outraged customers on Monday, shortly after the pictures had been posted on Facebook.

"Everyone is disgusted at this," she said.

"It is this sort of behaviour which gives responsible hunters a bad name."

An RSPCA spokesman said they had liaised with Orange police over the alleged cruelty incidents throughout the day.

Canobolas Local Area Command Inspector Dave Harvey said police investigations into the case were continuing.

The RSPCA said a charge of aggravated animal cruelty in NSW carried a fine of $22,000 and/or two years imprisonment.

The man has been refused bail by police and will remain in custody until his court appearance.

Edited by LisaCC
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Poor bloody sheep. What a world class tool, not just engaging in such disgraceful and cruel behaviour, but sharing it - and his face and numberplate... Classic dumbarse crook.

Glad he's been bail refused, he's one of the main reasons gaols exist.

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Poor bloody sheep. What a world class tool, not just engaging in such disgraceful and cruel behaviour, but sharing it - and his face and numberplate... Classic dumbarse crook.

Glad he's been bail refused, he's one of the main reasons gaols exist.

I agree, not only is he a disgusting excuse for a human, but a bloody idiot.

On the photo that was on facebook he was actually commenting all of Monday with all these different stories saying he did nothing wrong! Way to dig yourself a bigger hole.

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Guest Wildthing

Another young male who thinks with his balls and not his brain (assuming he has one that functions) Testosterone at its worst. The law will deal with him, but unfortunately there are others around that are doing just the same thing day in day out who do not post themselves all over a social media outlet.

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I'm certainly not going to look at the photograph. I have enough nightmares about the treatment of animals generally.

I'm torn about a custodial sentence because he'd probably come out worse than he went in. But there needs to be some sort of appropriate punishment to make these sorts of people genuinely get the nastiness and of their horrible acts.

$22,000 and a brand on his forehead perhaps. I don't really mean that, but how on earth do you get through to others of this ilk?

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Guest Wildthing

If we had the answer for that million dollar question, the animals would be a lot better off. Unfortunately there is no simple answer, although the old fashioned method of putting people in stocks comes to mind!!!!

Even if they are fined, I seriously doubt they would have the finances to pay it. Sending them to goal is not the answer either, but seems to be the only option.

Perhaps using them to do public speaking telling teenagers about the horrors and stupidity of what they did would be more beneficial generally. These victims of crime are not able to speak for themselves and give a victim impact statement.

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"Children" also arrested - on the news this morning. Sickening.

Do you have a link? What do you mean, children arrested? I saw no children in the photo?

I just heard it on the news and as I wasn't specifically listening, I didn't hear the intro, sorry, so don't have any more details. Just that one of them would be appearing in the Children's Court.

It was ABC Radio National.

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Ok ok. I have since found news articles from today that say a 17 year old was questioned and later released. Maybe they decided or thought they were going to charge him? 17 is still a minor I believe, but I don't regard that as a "child" anymore. I hope they receive some punishment as well if they were there and part of it.

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Ok ok. I have since found news articles from today that say a 17 year old was questioned and later released. Maybe they decided or thought they were going to charge him? 17 is still a minor I believe, but I don't regard that as a "child" anymore. I hope they receive some punishment as well if they were there and part of it.

I tried to find it, BJ, but I'm not the best at finding things on the internet :o

In the news report I heard two minors were released and another was facing the children's court.

I don't believe 17 is a child either. You can't tell me that even a 12 years old doesn't know what cruelty is and doesn't understand that they deserve some sort of punishment :mad

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