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So... Who's Fault Is It?


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If the poster is incapable of keeping their dog away from tangling someone then they really have a problem with both their eyesight and hands. I love the long lines, they are so easy to not only let the dog run but recall too in an emergancy. all you do is move your hand forward fast then press the button to lock the lead and move hand back to body and repeat. that shortens the lead by 3 foot at a time.

Although as others have said, I would never use an off lead park. Especially potentially deadly for toy dogs, as the headlines so love to banner when it happens.

It seems you are referring to an retractable lead, not a long lead. They're not similar. I'm not a fan of retractable leads and wouldn't use one. A long lead, on the other hand, is a valuable tool for recall training.

Edited by cavNrott
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Why is everyone up in arms about Caesar's recall? He DID recall and came running back to his owner.

Andrew made the mistake of not recalling Caesar soon enough.

where was it said that Andrew called Caesar back? I read it as Caesar ran back when the other dog had a go at him.

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Why is everyone up in arms about Caesar's recall? He DID recall and came running back to his owner.

Andrew made the mistake of not recalling Caesar soon enough.

where was it said that Andrew called Caesar back? I read it as Caesar ran back when the other dog had a go at him.

Yeh there was no mention in the OP of him being recalled. He ran away fromt he dog when the dog attacked him (although I query the "full on attack" if the dog could whine and run away, but not the point).

Today I let Caesar off leash and he ran towards a couple of dogs to say hi. One of the dogs started attacking, as in full on attack. When Caesar whines and ran away towards me, the dog gave chase and continues attacking
Edited by minimax
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Why is everyone up in arms about Caesar's recall? He DID recall and came running back to his owner.

Andrew made the mistake of not recalling Caesar soon enough.

where was it said that Andrew called Caesar back? I read it as Caesar ran back when the other dog had a go at him.

That's how I read it as well ... , and yes, I agree , Caesar would have been safer if he had not approached the other dogs

When Caesar whines and ran away towards me,
Edited by persephone
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G'day Andrew. In people terms, my take on this is that Caesar was on the receiving end of a good scolding for inappropriate behavior and bad manners. There's nothing quite like an older dog to teach a young one some canine etiquette. I expect he will be slightly more attentive when approaching other dogs in future, otherwise you can expect more of this from those with little patience for this type of behavior. I would have him on a lead until he has more km on him i.e. life experience - training/socialisation. Good on you for walking away from this and asking the questions. I get the feeling you're thinking hey, how could we improve on this? How can we do this better next time? :thumbsup:

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G'day Andrew. In people terms, my take on this is that Caesar was on the receiving end of a good scolding for inappropriate behavior and bad manners. There's nothing quite like an older dog to teach a young one some canine etiquette. I expect he will be slightly more attentive when approaching other dogs in future, otherwise you can expect more of this from those with little patience for this type of behavior. I would have him on a lead until he has more km on him i.e. life experience - training/socialisation. Good on you for walking away from this and asking the questions. I get the feeling you're thinking hey, how could we improve on this? How can we do this better next time? :thumbsup:


That said, my boy would have been the one to give the scolding. I don't like him being put in that situation where he feels he has to do it so I just don't put him in that situation.

That's that long and short of it IMO.

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Thanks guys. Now I'll walk Caesar on leash and only let him off when I know all the dogs in the surrounding doesn't mind. Will be trying out my long leash pretty soon too, only if there wasn't anyone else in the park.

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Lucky no one got hurt, I quite like offleash parks, and have never had any major disaster at the one near us. Everyone is friendly, dogs are well mannered and everyone has a good time.

Definately worth work on the recall, but other than that I wouldn't beat yourself up over it. If he's fine chalk it up to lesson learned and perhaps gives you somewhere to start on your training.

Puppy manners are one thing, but can't say I agree with the other party. If they knew his dog was so ball obsessed they'd go after another dog, he shouldn't have been off lead. Still, I wasn't there and I am certainly no pro, I just know I'd be nicked off if I were you, but like I said, no use blaming one or the other really.

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