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Good Tip


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from Ken Duncan

Use what you have

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Many people think they need a really good camera to take photos.

And – sure – it’s nice to have a great camera.

But the way to get it, is by using the one you’ve got.

I started taking photos on my Dad’s old Praktica, and my first book, The Last Frontier, was shot entirely with two second-hand Widelux cameras.

Talk about equipment with limitations – only three shutter speeds and constant breakdowns!

But they did the job.

The best understanding of your equipment comes from using it.

The technical aspects of a shot are secondary to capturing the spirit of a moment.

You’ve already seen me using compact cameras in these tips.

But you couldn’t ask for better proof than this …

Some years back, at my sister’s bidding, I judged a junior school photo competition.

Some of the work was good; some was average.

But there was one landscape shot which was just awesome.

It had been taken at sunset by an eight year old boy with a disposable camera. Through the window of a bus travelling at 100 km (60 miles) per hour.

Yet against all odds, this shot really worked.

It sure humbled me.

So get out there with what you’ve got. See what you can make with it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Love this! I often hear people who are learning photography go on and on about "what they need to buy" to get the shot. Take for instance the humble nifty 50...small expense big results. I do believe that it is entirely possible to have the best kit as a beginner/novice and still get less than satisfactory results. Camera records the scene & conditions...but ultimately its the photographer that "takes" the shot.

great share pers.

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