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Hip Joints And Sleeping On Hard Surfaces

Guest Maeby Fünke

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Guest Maeby Fünke

My 11 month old Labrador prefers to sleep on hard surfaces... And I'm worried that this might be bad for her growing joints, especially her hips. She has a Snooza raised bed (with a pet futon), and she is allowed to sleep on my bed as well as the couch, but I often find her lying outside on the concrete patio, during the day, or on the kitchen tiles at night. I'm especially worried because she is a large Labrador (she isn't overweight; she just has a big frame).

I'm just wondering if other people's dogs do this and if it's okay... I'm not sure if I should be encouraging her to sleep on a bed.

Edited by Maeby Fünke
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My Pyreneans often prefer to sleep on the tiles. Mainly because it is cooler. I do provide soft bedding for them, and they tend to alternate. They don't sleep in the same place all night or all day. No problems with hips or joints. The main thing you may need to watch for is bursa on the elbows from pressure. But some dogs get them and some don't. Maybe see if she will use a bed that is 'cooler' - maybe a raised bed with a cover that promotes good airflow.

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Arthritis can be caused by sleeping on concrete or tiles which have much moisture in them. This is true for humans if they tend to sleep on such surfaces and I'm sure it's the same for dogs.

Maybe put a piece of rugged looking rag on the hard floor during winter and put a thinner silky one during summer.

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