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Happy 1st Birthday Doodle Bug!


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My foster failure Tempeh was surrendered to Peiradise along with two littermates and their 15 year old mother last August/September. Given the average life span of a shar pei is 10 that was terrible enough in itself. According to the original owner/breeder, the pups were supposed to be three months old but at a vet check Tempeh was found to have all her adult teeth which would've made her five months.

We usually only foster young male pei but as Ams was getting her new dog Amnesty we took Tempeh (then Dimples) and her brother Roan (then Dweeb) to foster. I fell immediately in love with Roan while my sister thought Tempeh was beautiful. I carried Mr Sooky La-La everywhere while Temp was the more adventurous and independent one.

Roan rehomed in October. Tempeh had some interest and went on a trial placement which she did not like one little bit. It seems she's already become very bonded to us and was not interested in living anywhere else! That's a shar pei for you!

So she became our first shar pei foster failure and we love her very much. She fits in perfectly with the other dogs here and makes us laugh. We are constantly learning new things about her (she doesn't know how to keep herself warm) and she's learnt new things from us and the other dogs (last night she 'spooned' for the first time!).

I often look at her and get a shock thinking 'where did that third dog come from'? She has not been here for long but also seems to have been part of our lives forever. And there was a time when I thought her legs would never stop growing!

We don't know her proper birth date but we decided it would be 1 May every year, so today is her 1st birthday!

She has spent the morning tackling some rawhide chicken drumstick thingy, surrounded by her new toys, on my bed of course! Perhaps later today she will abandon her endeavours and I can get a more joyous photo to commemorate the day! No party hats for her though - she doesn't do dress up (much to my despair).

Photo taken this morning.


Edited by Little Gifts
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She has spent the morning tackling some rawhide chicken drumstick thingy, surrounded by her new toes, on my bed of course! Perhaps later today she will abandon her endeavours and I can get a more joyous photo to commemorate the day! No party hats for her though - she doesn't do dress up (much to my despair).

Photo taken this morning.

I spent ages scouring the photo for her new toes, then realised you probably meant toys :rofl:

Happy Birthday vegan-pei! :party:

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Even though she is Tang style we doubt she is pure DD and there was some mention of bull arab in her. I always think she is very tall but next to other pei she still looks like a pup so apart from her freckles and odd skin colouring she looks like all the other Tang kids!

Don't you hate how grotty your house can look in photos? My kitchen has not yet been renovated so it always looks super special in pics with its 70z cabinets and peeling vinyl!

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