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Oscar's Stitches Are Infected

Guest Maeby Fünke

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Guest Maeby Fünke

Oscar's stitches are infected - the ones on his muzzle closest to his mouth. The E-collar obviously doesn't stop him from licking them because they're right near his mouth and he can reach them with his tongue. He was due to go back in to have them looked at yesterday, but my vet is away until today and I would rather see her because she's going to tell me the pathology results.

I phoned the vet clinic and the nurse said that I should bring him in on Friday (when the stitches are due to come out). But I'm confused because if his stitches are infected, then shouldn't I bring him in right away?

By the way, I have washed his stitches with warm salt water and put Betadine on them.

Maybe I will just call my vet in the morning and ask her.

Edited by Maeby Fünke
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It depends on how long they have been in for. If not long, the wound obviously won't have healed enough and may reopen as the stitches might pull out. Many small infections will correct on their own when the stitches are removed. Still, I wouldn't feel comfortable that infection was present and I think you should take him in today.

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Some dogs do have small infections with stitches, and being around his mouth that risk increases. Most will clear up on their own and for some ti looks infected but is just the normal healing process for that area of skin, but being around his mouth if you're concerned at all call and book an appointment for today or tomorrow.

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