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Female Ragdoll Free

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Guest Wildthing

Perhaps we could all meet up somewhere and have the tattoo done together !!! Love it. so nice to know there are cat lovers out there too.

Broken Hill fabulous felines still needing help. but getting there slowly.

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Fanbloodytastic result from a cat rescuer of 18 years! I have sucker across my forehead, but the tattoo has faded to invisible!! Let me know if I can help.

As a cat rescuer of 18 years, I hope you've spelled 'Sucker' correctly across your forehead. It's 'V. Decent Person'.

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Perhaps we could all meet up somewhere and have the tattoo done together !!! Love it. so nice to know there are cat lovers out there too.

Broken Hill fabulous felines still needing help. but getting there slowly.

ha ha love it!

Well the gorgeous girl has been dropped off at the vet clinic this morning for a health check. I did fast her last night, so she if they have time they will desex her today aswell. No more calling and no more babies for this little one. :thumbsup:

All the way there she stuck her paw out of the carrier and wanted me to hold it. :cry: How can you not love her? I told the girls at the vet I so wish I could keep her, but I know I can't. I still would like to have a little in reserve so when another needy is around the corner, I'm able to help out. I don't do anything on a grand scale, but I do what I can.

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Guest Wildthing

The next tattoo I get will be a cat and I will probably have it on an ankle so I can see it!! No, I just spelt sucker as that ! Trying desperately to retire, but it is so hard when there are so many cats needing help. Just wish I could win the lottery when the jackpot is over one million !

Hope the girl does well at the vet today. Am sure she will find a great home. Any help is better than none, so we are all grateful for what you do.

Just wish the tortie girl had worked out, but you know what they say about torties !!!

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On behalf of the ragdoll, and the life she will not have as a breeding machine, thankyou! :thumbsup:

What lovely, caring people you all are. The Ragdpll broke my heart to think of her as a breeding machine, if I could ever have a cat it would be a ragdoll I think, but I firmly believe cats should not roam, and our household is impossible to set up that way at the moment.... hmm, we are adding a room soon, perhaps it could be a cat room- Now to convince hubby that is a good idea! :laugh:


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On behalf of the ragdoll, and the life she will not have as a breeding machine, thankyou! :thumbsup:

What lovely, caring people you all are. The Ragdpll broke my heart to think of her as a breeding machine, if I could ever have a cat it would be a ragdoll I think, but I firmly believe cats should not roam, and our household is impossible to set up that way at the moment.... hmm, we are adding a room soon, perhaps it could be a cat room- Now to convince hubby that is a good idea! :laugh:


Thank you for your kind words.

Hey if your dogs are ok with cats, I have a cat here looking for a home with no other cats. She's extremely playful and would love a doggy friend or two.


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Love the cross selling Michellva, but if you could talk my hubby into it, it would be a miracle bigger than the one you just pulled off. :laugh:

Don't tempt me though......


I work in the sales industry you know... just give him her big sob story, or I'm happy to do it for you.. :laugh:

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Guest Wildthing

I just called the vet clinic and her surgery has gone well, she's now in recovery.. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

So pleased she is now desexed and doing well. Surgery is always more risky when they are not in a good nutritional state. Thank you for letting us know.

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