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Growing Old ,disgracefully!


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This afternoon, I noticed some crows up the paddock .... then I saw movement in the area ..and ....spotted Caillie , who is our matriarch ..in her TEENS ..and who had sniffed out this sheep carcass , chased teh crows off, and was having a meal ;)


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This afternoon, I noticed some crows up the paddock .... then I saw movement in the area ..and ....spotted Caillie , who is our matriarch ..in her TEENS ..and who had sniffed out this sheep carcass , chased teh crows off, and was having a meal ;)


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ewww no kisses from Callie thanks, poor sheep, what would have killed it?

The sheep was a very old one ...our guess was she overbalanced and just didn't get up again. Our sheep don't get sold .... they are eaten, or just die when they are old..... Obviously if we notice trouble we will euth them ...but this old girl , we didn't see ...

Caillie didn't roll in anything ,which surprised me! (and pleased me ;) )

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eft to die of thirst and starvation :cry:

Not really ..... I did check to try & find out what happened ...she had a full belly ... was not far from a trough , ...it looks as though she just fell down - she was a very old thing , and sometimes it happens if they are weak and add several kilos of water to the weight they have to support ....

...anyway ... I think dying in her own paddock of old age is preferable to the stress of being taken away from home and trucked away to a meatworks .

I am sorry though that we didn't notice any signs ..or she would have received a quick death ...

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DD - sometimes livestock just die... odds are this particular sheep just died of old age, going by the info provided by persephone...


agree T. my pet cow Elly was fine when I put hay out for her before dark and I got up the next morning and she was dead in the paddock frown.gif

Elly wasn't all that old so was a terrible thing to wake up to ....

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...anyway ... I think dying in her own paddock of old age is preferable to the stress of being taken away from home and trucked away to a meatworks

I couldn't agree with you more, persephone. And because of the way animals are reared, treated, slaughtered, I became a vegetarian.

DD - sometimes livestock just die... odds are this particular sheep just died of old age, going by the info provided by persephone...

Persephone said the sheep had fallen and was unable to get up.

And yes, extraordinary as it may sound, I actually do know that somestimes livestock just die.

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I know for sure that if any animal is in trouble Perse will be the first one there and will do the right thing. She's done it consistently before and will continue to do it. And she does it much more bravely and compassionately than many of us city slickers. On a property its not possible to keep a close eye on every animal. And as much as I personally would love animals to live for ever, they don't, And some will die of old age - which is far preferable to the fear, pain and distress of an abattoir . People suddenly drop dead - animals do too sadly. I have no doubt this old sheep had a great life with Perse and her family. Her time had come.

Now back to Callie. Callie I have four dogs who would like to join you for dinner? What time please? (Although you will have to show them the ropes - they are city slickers after all but do very well with bones!).

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Now back to Callie. Callie I have four dogs who would like to join you for dinner? What time please? (Although you will have to show them the ropes - they are city slickers after all but do very well with bones!).

My imagination is running amok here :vomit:

they are small enough to be inside their dinner!

URK. Mind, you, they would think they were in heaven :p

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