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Which Fitpaws?


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The egg is more challenging. I find the Peanut is super versatile and a great option if you only want to get one piece of equipment. It's definitely the most popular option. What were you wanting it for specifically? Was it for improving stength/fitness in general or for rehab etc?

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Thanks guys. I think I was leaning towards the peanut, but thought that the egg looked interesting. i am predominately after the most versatile one, so I think that will be the go.

we have had a go on a friends peanut and Reg was doing awesomely for a first go.......after he worked ou that it is NOT a giant ball to play with :o

Huski, it's for general fitness/ strength. Mostly for my Kelpie, though I may use it for my BC who needs regular rehab type work for the cruciate ligament she ruptured late 2011.

Do they come with instructions/ exercises? Is it worth getting with one of the Fitpaws ' on the ball' DVDs?

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My vote for versatility is the egg over the peanut.

It is really easy to stablise the egg to make it easier on the dog i.e. I wedge mine between a couch and a dog bed, or hold it with my knee against the couch etc. You can also let air out to make the surface flatter and then pump it up to increase the degree of difficulty.

Then when you feel the dog needs more of a challenge, you just lessen the degree of support you use.

I use mine for both rehab with one dog with a previous cruciate injury and for my kelpie for fitness/strength, particularly in the shoulders, as they need a lot of shoulder strength for the quick turns required for herding.

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