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Starting Up A Breed Club


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Affiliation requirements for a club


3.4.1 Eligibility for Affiliation Any incorporated body may apply for affiliation with the VCA. Reserved. Any incorporated body desirous of providing services to canine activities, other than the holding of exhibitions, may apply to the VCA for "Associate Affiliation" which if approved will entitle such body to any privileges and benefits which are approved by the VCA from time to time. Associate Affiliation will be granted subject to such terms and conditions as decided by Management Committee at the time which may or may not include the other provisions relating to Affiliates under these Regulations. Except for Clubs affiliated prior to 1st July 1996 a Breed or variety of a breed can only be represented by one affiliated Breed Club. Affiliation of a Breed Club is on the understanding that the Breed Club will be responsible for the promotion and welfare of the breed within the State. In particular but not exclusively the Breed Club is to: promote and encourage the responsible breeding of pure breed dogs in accordance with the VCA Codes of Ethics and Practices; promote and raise the standard and exhibition of pure breed dogs; promote the holding of Exhibitions under the VCA Rules and Regulations and to promote and conduct training of dogs; foster, promote and protect the interest of exhibition of dogs at exhibitions; collect, verify and publish information relating to dogs and the breeding and exhibition of dogs; educate and encourage members, breeders and judges to abide by the requirements and standards approved by the VCA for the conduct of Exhibitions; promote good fellowship and fair play amongst members and those participating in VCA activities; hold functions and lectures relating to dogs; initiate measures to ensure improvement of quality and the continued health and well being of pure bred dogs. promote and encourage responsibility amongst breeders in all matters relating to their activities as breeders and the provision of pure breed dogs. Affiliates are required to adopt and maintain sound club management practices. The minimum standard required is contained in the VCA Club Management Guidelines. Management Committee may appoint a person or persons to monitor an Affiliate’s management and to offer assistance, and such assistance may include attending meetings of the Affiliate.

3.4.2 Affiliation New affiliation applications shall be made in writing to the Chief Executive of the VCA and must include: a statement of the reasons for the application; the current affiliation fee and insurance levy for members of the affiliate who are not members of the VCA; a copy of the Constitution or Rules and any Regulations and/or By-Laws of the body. an undertaking by the Committee of the body that the body and its office bearers will be bound, upon affiliation, by the Constitution, Rules, Regulations, Codes and directives of the VCA. a copy of the Certificate of Registration as an incorporated body. Affiliations granted by the VCA are for the residual part of the current year unless specified otherwise in the approval. Renewal of Affiliation

For continuity of affiliation, applications for renewal with the prescribed affiliation fee and insurance levy for members of the affiliate who are not members of the VCA, are to be lodged with the VCA within thirty (30) days of the due date. Applications and/or fees/levies lodged after that thirty days, if approved, may incur a financial penalty.

3.4.3 Obligations of an Affiliate Each affiliated body shall appoint an independent person to conduct an annual audit of accounts of the Affiliate. A person shall not be appointed to act as Auditor of the Club if that person is an Office Bearer or an ordinary member of the Committee or an employee of the Club or any person with a perceived conflict of interest. Such Auditor to be a person with accountancy knowledge and their qualifications to be included in the Auditor's Report. Within one month following the Annual General Meeting of any affiliated body, that body shall forward to the Chief Executive of the VCA copies of the audited balance sheet and receipts and expenditure statement for the year under review with the independent auditor’s statement certifying that the statement reflects a true account of the financial activities of the Club. In addition to the above, the financial statements shall be accompanied by a statement signed by the President, Secretary and Treasurer of the affiliated body certifying they have examined the Auditors Report, and certifying that the club’s incorporation has been renewed and is financially current. All office bearers of Affiliates must be Ordinary, Dual or Life Members of the VCA Inc. A successful nominee for an office bearer position must, if not a VCA member, apply for VCA membership within 14 days of becoming an office bearer. All Committee members of Affiliates must be resident in Victoria unless Management approves otherwise. Changes to Office Bearers and Committee must be notified to the VCA within fourteen (14) days of such changes. Where an Affiliate amends its Constitution or Rules in accordance with the Associations Incorporation Act, and submits the amendments to the Department of Justice for approval, the Affiliate is to forward a copy of the revised Constitution or Rules to the VCA within fourteen days of such approval. The Constitution, Rules, Regulations, Codes and Policies of the VCA shall prevail over those of any Affiliate. An Affiliate shall not deal with a complaint, report or other matter which has been or is being dealt with by the VCA, without consultation with the VCA. Affiliates are to comply with the following for the retention of books, documents and securities: Minute Books : Permanent Association Incorporation Act 1981 Section 30 (3) Statements (attached to Annual General Meeting Minutes) : Permanent Securities : Permanent Financial records (bank statements; receipt books; cheque butts etc.) : 5 yrs minimum Correspondence : 5 yrs minimum Other : As determined by Club Rules Where a change in Office Bearer or Committee Member occurs, the outgoing Office Bearer or Committee Member is to return all Club monies and property, books, documents and securities as described in Regulation to the Committee within 14 days. Show Passes

A dog exhibitor who has already paid an entry fee or fees to the dog section of a show shall not be required to pay a gate admission into the fixture. Exhibitors will be supplied with passes on the following scale:

one pass for one or two exhibits;

two passes for three or four exhibits;

three passes for five or six exhibits;

four passes for seven or more exhibits. Vehicle Admission

Where facilities allow for admission of vehicles to the exhibition ground, a ground usage fee may be charged. The fee must be payable with entries, and must not exceed the fee payable at KCC Park. An Affiliate’s affiliation shall be suspended in the event that there is owing by the Affiliate to the VCA any monies and such monies have been outstanding for more than 60 days provided that the suspension shall cease upon payment of the outstanding monies.

3.4.4 Dishonoured Cheques Where an Affiliate receives advice from its Bankers that a cheque for payment of entry fees has been dishonoured, the Affiliate is to: write to the exhibitor quoting the advice from the Bank and requiring payment of the outstanding amount plus any bank charges by money order or bank cheque or cash within 14 days; and. notify the VCA Office if payment is not received within fourteen days. Affiliates are to bank cheques promptly so that early advice from the Bank will enable exhibit numbers to be withheld pending cash payment of the fees.

3.4.5 Cancellation or Suspension of Affiliation Management Committee of the VCA may, at any time, cancel or suspend the affiliation of any affiliated body, in which case, no refund of affiliation fee or any part thereof shall be made. Where a Club, affiliated with the VCA Inc., is the subject of a disciplinary action by the VCA Inc. the Club should, upon completion of the matter, close the file and deposit it with the Chief Executive of the VCA Inc. for security. No other record of the matter, except minutes of the meetings of the Club, should be retained by the Club.

3.4.6 Club Magazines and Newsletters

A copy of Club Newsletters or Magazines must be forwarded to the VCA Office. Secretaries are to ensure that the VCA Office is included in the mailing list, so that a copy of their publication is forwarded regularly.

3.4.7 Perpetual Trophies

Where Affiliates award perpetual trophies, the Affiliate is to make provisions within its Rules for the award and control of such trophies.

3.4.8 Winding up of an Affiliate

In the event of an affiliated Club being wound up, all records relating to that Club shall be lodged with the Chief Executive of the VCA Inc.


9.1.19 Affiliation

In addition to the requirement of these Regulations, the following pre-requisites apply for groups seeking Victorian Canine Association Inc. Affiliation will apply - Clubs to have been in existence for a minimum period of 12 months. All members of the club’s executive must be current financial members of the Victorian Canine Association Inc. Supply copy of committee meeting minutes, financial statements, etc. Provide evidence of regularly convened committee meetings, instructors’ meetings and general meetings. Provide a copy of the Club’s training manual (applies to Obedience only). Club to have access to their own training equipment. Club Instructors to be qualified in the discipline for which the club is applying for Affiliation as follows:

- Victorian Canine Association Inc. Accredited Instructor/s or Club Instructors who can provide evidence of having trained or trialed a dog to at least:

- Open Obedience Standard or

- Tracking Dog or

- Endurance Test


8.1.13 Affiliation

In addition to the Affiliation requirements of VCA Regulations Part 3, the following pre-requisites apply for groups seeking Victorian Canine Association Inc affiliation: Clubs to have been in existence for a minimum period of 12 months. All members of the club's executive must be current financial members of the Victorian Canine Association Inc. Supply copy of committee meeting minutes, financial statements, etc. Provide evidence of regularly convened committee meetings, instructors' meetings and general meetings. Club Instructors to be qualified in the discipline for which the club is applying for affiliation.

Edited by SwaY
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