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Sa And Interstate Rescuers - Get Your Dogs Up!


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At my workplace we have end of month drinks where a chosen charity is supported through donations, raffles etc. We usually end up making a donation of between 200 and 300 dollars to a chosen charity. Its also an opportunity to showcase a charity, particularly the smaller less well known ones.

And of course I've nominated Petrescue for our next drinks (cos of Anzac day it will be on 3 May).

I'll be doing a Petrescue website tour as part of a presentation on 3 May - so just wanted to give particularly SA rescue groups (but other interstate groups as well) the heads up - as its an opportunity to showcase a few worthies to quite a big workgroup and spread the word and increase awareness of pet adoption.

We sent out the initial email invitation for 3 May to all staff last Friday with a little blurb on Petrescue and a link to the website and that afternoon I got an email from someone saying they had lined up a kitty cat to meet that evening with a view to adoption on the basis of our email - completely unexpected but I was thrilled.thumbsup1.gif

So would be lovely to see even more SA and interstate lovelies on Petrescue and maybe find homes for a couple more! thumbsup1.gif

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I just saw the cutest ad for petrescue.com.au! It has a lovely red Kelpie, a white cat and a duck, the tag line is 'who says you can't choose your family?'

OT but made me think of this thread wm :)

SG is it online? Can you please post a link? I might be able to use it on the 3rd. TIA smile.gif

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