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How Do You Know If Your Puppy Is Cold?


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The main thing I say to Mini during winter is, 'You're hogging the hot!' cos her favourite spot is in front of the heater.

Of course, I don't have Grumpy now so I'm not sure what I'll do without my thermal terrier at night. :(

Edited by Sheridan
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I feel my dog's ears. If they are cold, I assume he is cold everywhere else. Curling in a ball is another clear sign, as has been mentioned.

Bring on Spring, I say :) Too cold here in Canberra already. My boy got a new fleece coat yesterday in preparation for frosty nights to come (he sleeps on our bed, mind you).

Do some dogs just like to do that though? Mine does it all the time and he definitely is not cold.

Sorry, I really meant 'a clear sign for my dog', as per the thread title (how do you know your puppy is cold). :) Def might not indicate coldness for other dogs :)

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I could only tell if Zeus got too hot on those chilly nights. I've bought him so many different coats and he always chews the strap off and has them lying on the ground each morning.

I prefer to give him lots of fluffy blankets instead because that way he can make the bed to how he likes it and it's much more cost effective for me not having to replace coats every day. He has a nice home made box with high walls and mattress to sleep in piled with fleece and faux mink blankets -- plus he has Kirah to help keep him warm too!!

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Can't say I have ever worried mine are cold :o It has been a long cold winter here and my lab still swims in the Thames every day - even if it's below zero. If we leave the heaters on over night he is panting and hops off the bed and goes and sleeps on the tiles.

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