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Pet Stairs

Daisys Mum

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I recently bought some of these stairs for Lacey my CKCS to get up on my bed ... Previously I was using a plastic storage box with an old towel draped over it but suddenly she decided she didn't want to use it any more and decided she wanted to whine and carry on so then I had to get out of bed to lift her up.

Was a bit unsure of quality when I ordered them but Suprisingly they are quite solid.. I mean they wouldn't be ideal for large dogs because the steps are small and close together but they are ideal for small/ medium size dogs.

They have been a success so far ... Lacey goes up and down albeit a bit slow but she is getting quite confident in using them. If I was handy I could have made them but sadly I am not.

Thought Dolers might be interested :)


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I have a set of stairs similar to those, but the width of the stairs compared with angle (steepness) stops the dogs from going down them and so they are still jumping down from the bed which is far from ideal at their advanced ages :(

I wonder if you would be kind enough to measure the width of the stairs please, kiwigirl?

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The width is 40 cm but the whole width is 46cm .. They are a little steep so wouldn't be ideal for dogs with short legs but Lacey seems to do ok ... I thought I would have to use treats the first few times but I only did the treats once or twice and she got the hang of it.

Edit: oops the width of each step is 16.5 cm and a depth of 5 cm.

Edited by kiwigirl
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Thanks for that. Mine are 17.5cm so there wouldn't be any point in trying the ones you have bought.

I guess I'll have to get a lower bed :laugh: :laugh:

Actually, I was thinking of having a ramp made, but it would have to fold like the stairs so I could push it under the bed through the day.

I have a ramp outside for the dogs which works well so maybe they would transition easily to one in the bedroom. I just want to stop them jumping off which of course they do if they have to toilet through the night ...... or chase some imaginery beast in the back yard.

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