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Could You Possibly Swap Your Dog For...


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Depends on what you mean by 'brain' Rozzie! He is an excellent food thief, very adept at getting what he wants (ie the best dog bed) but not overly trainable in a traditional sense. His problem solving skills are excellent though!! :laugh: I found him with 2 front feet on the table yesterday, so he could more effectively eat the leftover food there....

Swap? :D

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I'd consider swapping Baxter for Harper. Think it over :D

Warning: Baxter may or may not come with really annoying habits like, zooming around the house and breaking valuables, eating cat poo then licking the cat's butt, barking at 2am because he wants to come inside even though he woke you at 1 to go out, 12 to come in and 11 to go out, may shit under the lounge if it's raining, eats imaginary treats and gets angry if other dogs 'steal' them, likes to rub himself all over you and has stinky cat crap breath.


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People tell me that if I need to ever rehome Fergs they would take him - all the time! Just the other day his physio said she is not a small dog person but there is something about him that she adored but couldn't put in words.

At a few training seminars I've had the same thing - he is happy to work and a problem solver so people want to get their hands on him.

But they can't have him!

No one has ever asked for Lucy...

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I'd consider swapping Baxter for Harper. Think it over :D

Warning: Baxter may or may not come with really annoying habits like, zooming around the house and breaking valuables, eating cat poo then licking the cat's butt, barking at 2am because he wants to come inside even though he woke you at 1 to go out, 12 to come in and 11 to go out, may shit under the lounge if it's raining, eats imaginary treats and gets angry if other dogs 'steal' them, likes to rub himself all over you and has stinky cat crap breath.

No probs there MUP - my back door is permanently open, and I don't have a cat, and I have wooden floors that are pretty much impervious to dog poop...

Now - Harper may or may not come with 30+ kilos of crazy puppy exuberance, a drive for food to equal no other, and will eat any dog poo in sight before launching at your face for kisses - oh, and she completely ignores the words "no", "stop that", "leave it", or "give"... she may or may not sit or drop on command, depends on whether she feels like it or not... lol!

I think I really need to work on some more obedience training with Harper... errr!


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I'd consider swapping Baxter for Harper. Think it over :D

Warning: Baxter may or may not come with really annoying habits like, zooming around the house and breaking valuables, eating cat poo then licking the cat's butt, barking at 2am because he wants to come inside even though he woke you at 1 to go out, 12 to come in and 11 to go out, may shit under the lounge if it's raining, eats imaginary treats and gets angry if other dogs 'steal' them, likes to rub himself all over you and has stinky cat crap breath.

No probs there MUP - my back door is permanently open, and I don't have a cat, and I have wooden floors that are pretty much impervious to dog poop...

Now - Harper may or may not come with 30+ kilos of crazy puppy exuberance, a drive for food to equal no other, and will eat any dog poo in sight before launching at your face for kisses - oh, and she completely ignores the words "no", "stop that", "leave it", or "give"... she may or may not sit or drop on command, depends on whether she feels like it or not... lol!

I think I really need to work on some more obedience training with Harper... errr!


Baxter will not sit, drop or stay but he can beg, dance and speak. He also does high tens but has yet to master the high five

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People tell me that if I need to ever rehome Fergs they would take him - all the time! Just the other day his physio said she is not a small dog person but there is something about him that she adored but couldn't put in words.

At a few training seminars I've had the same thing - he is happy to work and a problem solver so people want to get their hands on him.

But they can't have him!

No one has ever asked for Lucy...

No one asks for Maddie either :( She is very shy especially in crowds and she always puts her head under Stan ostrich style so they only really see her butt. She has the prettiest little face but she rarely shows it to strangers.

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No one wants to swap for my dogs so I just threaten them with being given to the dodgy Chinese restaurant next door

Although people tend to say they wish they had a doofus, everyone loves him, which baffles me because of the 2, he is the more annoyingly batcrap crazy one :confused:

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I've only ever had two, very serious offers to buy Zeus off me. Both instances we were training off lead and the people walked up, opened with a line like "he's a nice looking dog" then somehow it turns into "would you consider selling him if the price is right?" :eek:

I was tempted by the first guy because he'd offered $1000 and Zeus and I hadn't been working as a team yet (read: he was being a typical teenage s***) so I did contemplate it. Zeus was just lucky I loved him to bits back then!! :o

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High tens?

Is that a polite way for saying he jumps all over everybody?

No, he sits on his haunches and gives you a high ten, but he refuses to do fives lol

LOL. Dory does a magical high 10 as well. Her high 5 just doesn't gel in her head. She can sit and drop although wont stay down long. And has an awesome Beg.

Heeling is an alien concept. :( just shuts right down.

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