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Can Advantix Cause Diarrhoea


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Guest donatella

And why would you suspect that I read nowstaring's remarks to other posters?

What exactly was in my post to make you read that into it?

It might be time to accept that having a pov is good,but bashing others about the head with it doesn't win any friends, nor does it advance your case for whatever it is you are promoting.

You also need to accept that scrub ticks are often fatal to dogs, and dogs in some areas need protection from them.

That makes little to no sense.

Rosetta stated (like a few small dog owners) that they don't use Advantix due to adverse reactions known about in small dogs. This isn't a new thing, a quick google search and on here will show plenty of similar topics. I also hold a similar stance however I do not know Rosetta, I was told by my breeder who had her own adverse reaction in her dogs and warned me away from it.

People can share information about products without being told to stop pollywaffling. It's called sharing information and its up to the reader to take from it what they will. You'd have to be living under a rock to believe that any product is without risk or reaction.

The absolute carrying on is reflective of the Black Hawk thread and is doing the brand no favours. The proof is in the pudding, one does not need to pollywaffle, the evidence is in black and white all over the internet of various stories of small breeds having reactions to this treatment. That is not to say it is not extremely successful for small breeds, but as a small breed owner I like to know the risks and other peoples stories.

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And why would you suspect that I read nowstaring's remarks to other posters?

What exactly was in my post to make you read that into it?

It might be time to accept that having a pov is good,but bashing others about the head with it doesn't win any friends, nor does it advance your case for whatever it is you are promoting.

You also need to accept that scrub ticks are often fatal to dogs, and dogs in some areas need protection from them.

Oh dear - let me spell it out. You accused me of making unpleasant remarks etc etc. I was merely pointing out that Nowstarin made a few of her own. I could provide links to threads in this forum regarding the adverse effects but I really can't be bothered if people don't want to know thats fine carry on. I am not promoting anything myself :)

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It is possible for any human or animal to have a reaction to ANY product applied or ingested. It does not mean there is a problem with the product as such simply that the individual involved cannot use it.


I now own a particular breed of cat, only had mogs before. Through much research and going to a breed specific forum I have found that they should not be given Ketamine. Not because there is a specific problem with the drug rather this particular breed of cat has had reactions to it caused by in the majority of cases, an undiagnosed underlying condition. No ones fault but the side effect is sudden death.

Now I could call hearsay and plow on regardless but I could also end up with dead cats. Not a risk I am going to take when there are alternatives.

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It's ok to have a view - it's not ok to be nasty. I notice nowstaring didn't treat you as you treated her. It's good to know there have been reactions to Advantix.

However, you should now back up your assertions with some references, thanks.

And Powerlegs asked for an alternative, you have not replied to her as yet

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Guest donatella

We're still waiting for the references to the claims that advantix is 100% effective and frontline plus 52% a few threads ago...

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