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Small Item Donations For Cook Islands By Saturday


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"also visited the Esther Honey Foundation which is a non-profit which aims to deal with dog and cat overpopulation on the island and provide affordable vet services with an emphasis on de-sexing and education on pet care for the locals. They provide an amazing service on a showstring using a system of volunteer visiting vets. Link to their website here which also has a list of immediate needs you might like to look at. We took over as many small and medium dog collars and leads as we could, also flea and worming treatments, bowls, cat stuff - stuff that wouldn't break and was easy to pack.(And left room to bring our shopping home!) When we got there we went to the supermarket and bought as much dog and cat food as we could (no it wasn't cheap but well worth it). We then went and gave them all our goodies and met the staff and had a tour. That was one of the absolute highlights for me. "

Hi rescue,

(westiemum I hope you don't mind me quoting you on this dog bit but you have described them so well. )

I have only just recently learnt of this fantastic organisation in the cook islands where I am headed on saturday. If anyone has any small item donations and are able to drop it off by saturday afternoon at Alexandria, pls PM me. I will pay them a visit and take whatever donations I can with me, whatever doesnt fit will most certainly make it to rescue either way.

Items will need to be as clean as possible as I won't have time to be cleaning before packing it with out stuff and also dont want to violate any customs/quarantine issues.

Otherwise, anyone wanting to make monetary donations, the foundation website is set up to take donations online :thumbsup:

eta: I am travelling to Asquith for a dinner tonight (up near Hornsby) and can detour for a quick pickup if needed.

Edited by Panto
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Not at al Panto. I'm just so sorry that I didn't realise you were going until its too late to get an express bag to you. Nevermind - I'll make a donation through their website instead.

Dogmad if there's any chance of getting something to Panto I'm sure it will be sooo appreciated. thumbsup1.gif

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Panto has visited me tonight - it was fantastic to meet her at last - I'm normally just dropping off a car load of stuff at a collection point for her to take to the pounds and we've never managed to meet!

Panto collected a small bag of leads, collars, brushes, food bowls etc which was unfortunately all I had at this point.

I mustn't forget that I met the beautiful canine Panto as well!

And Panto and Panto met the most beautiful tiny dog in the world - Gulliver !!

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Im off im off and managed to fit all but the retractable lead! But also a few items ripley donated too! Great to finalllllly meet you dogmad! And more cuddles for Gulliver pls!!

better switch my phone off now...


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Panto has visited me tonight - it was fantastic to meet her at last - I'm normally just dropping off a car load of stuff at a collection point for her to take to the pounds and we've never managed to meet!

Panto collected a small bag of leads, collars, brushes, food bowls etc which was unfortunately all I had at this point.

I mustn't forget that I met the beautiful canine Panto as well!

And Panto and Panto met the most beautiful tiny dog in the world - Gulliver !!

Thanks so much dogmad. Esther Honey will be so grateful. smile.gif

Yes its such a thrill to finally meet Dolers in person. I'd love to meet you two as well. Maybe next time I'm in Sydney.

I met the wonderful Persephone when she was here a month ago - we had the best time - coffee the first day and then fish and chips with the westies (they were in heaven and I thought Andy was going to go home with her!smile.gif) DOlers are so special. smile.gif

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Westiemum, definitely give us a heads up next time you're in sydney!!

I just got back from esther honey fndtn, it is so wonderfully run! I took plenty of photos and got lots of wigglebum cuddles and cleaned out a couple crates. The one thing I can say is that 'strays' here live a wonderful life, the worst is probably car accidents (they do a lot of amputations), and pups beings attacked by other big strays. Can honestly say theyre a laid back crew (the volunteers) and not too stressed.

The guy running it has been there for 3.5 yrs, a long tenure when most do 2yrs. There is a vetnurse from melbourne coming to run the place next in a few weeks time.

The things they need the most are vetgrade meds, ie for surgery and the only way it can come in without all the hideous red tape is by being carried in and declared. Apparently if there are available donations to send though, the lady who runs the website can always find willing volunteers to do the carry! :thumbsup: (something to look into when I get back!).

Hoping to get another visit in there soon! Will update photos and visit other threads when I get home as internet is slow here (and a bit exxy for what you get), and connection is hit and miss.

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Hi Panto,

thumbsup1.gif Glad you got to Esther Honey. Its such a wonderful place and I'm sure its grown since I was there a couple of years ago. I'm sure your timing was amazing too - when we walked in they were wondering where that nights meal for their animals would come from - they were completely out of cat food - and in we walked with as many big bags as we could carry!!

Can't wait to see your pics!!


Westiemum, definitely give us a heads up next time you're in sydney!!

I just got back from esther honey fndtn, it is so wonderfully run! I took plenty of photos and got lots of wigglebum cuddles and cleaned out a couple crates. The one thing I can say is that 'strays' here live a wonderful life, the worst is probably car accidents (they do a lot of amputations), and pups beings attacked by other big strays. Can honestly say theyre a laid back crew (the volunteers) and not too stressed.

The guy running it has been there for 3.5 yrs, a long tenure when most do 2yrs. There is a vetnurse from melbourne coming to run the place next in a few weeks time.

The things they need the most are vetgrade meds, ie for surgery and the only way it can come in without all the hideous red tape is by being carried in and declared. Apparently if there are available donations to send though, the lady who runs the website can always find willing volunteers to do the carry! :thumbsup: (something to look into when I get back!).

Hoping to get another visit in there soon! Will update photos and visit other threads when I get home as internet is slow here (and a bit exxy for what you get), and connection is hit and miss.

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ok here we go! some piccies from my visit. some of these guys are owned - from what I saw on the island and read in a cafe, it seems as though this is the only vet practice on the island (this is unsubstantiated, a mere guess!).

westiemum - not sure if they had an x-ray machine when you were there, but they do now - generously donated by one of the local bottle shops! it cost $11k, I was rather surprised at the benefactor, as I doubt there is much sponsorship 'benefit' so to speak, a generous contribution whatever the reason behind it!

this first fella had had an elbow dislocation - a lucky diagnosis because they thought it may have been something requiring amputation.


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this little poor poppet came in with his insides on the outside, believe it was a larger older stray dog. Surgery was 3 1/2 hours, obviously a success from what I saw as he was very wiggly and was wanting to play and jump and frolic... (his name is zeus)


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hehe cat chat...




the girl in the front left is missing her front left leg as a result of a car accident, she's waiting for a forever home. they're all so well looked after and such wigglebums! many closer pics didn't turn out very well because they just wouldnt keep still!


the only goat in care at the moment, after eye surgery;


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