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Taking A New Puppy To Work


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I work in a Vet Clinic. Dory usually comes most days to work, I will have to swap it around and share it between New Puppy and Dory. Which is okay with me. Because new puppy will need to learn about 'alone time' (short shifts only) and so does Dory! Actually while Willow is tiny I will still take Dory to work. Might become a bit unmanageable when Willow reaches 40kg. :laugh:

This privilege is one of the reasons I stay with Vet Nursing. I sure don't stay there for the exceptional pay and promotion opportunities. :cry:

(Staff discount is nothing to sneeze at I suppose, but my animals are notoriously healthy to a great degree ).

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How do so many of you have work places that allow dogs? I only work 2.5 days a week and the rest of the time I run my own mobile business where pup can come with me if it's not too hot. But I can't imagine being allowed to take my dog to work at my other job. Would be nice though! They did have a guide dog there once that the boss was baby sitting. But I missed it :( Apparently it didn't look too good having a guide dog for the blind in their eye clinic! :laugh:

My workplace doesn't "allow" dogs as such, but there is also nothing written that says they aren't allowed - so, I won on a technicality :rofl:

I work for a state government department, but in a quiet warehouse/office type environment. They half-heartedly tried the "safety hazard" tactic, but everyone loved having a puppy in the office too much so they didn't push it. Having her here turned big grumpy big men into little marshmallows, rolling around the floor playing with her, and I think managers could see it was having a positive effect on people.

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Thank you so much to everyone for their input, there were so many things that I hadn't considered before bringing my baby to work eek1.gif

With everyone's input I am hoping that both my boss, puppy & myself will have a great time together at work, I'm lucky that my boss is very tolerant in most situations, but it will be a learning curve for us all.

Pretty Miss Emma, thanks for all the info, so much that I hadn't thought about thumbsup1.gif

GSdog2, love the photos of your baby, he looks very content biggrin.gif

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How do so many of you have work places that allow dogs? I only work 2.5 days a week and the rest of the time I run my own mobile business where pup can come with me if it's not too hot. But I can't imagine being allowed to take my dog to work at my other job. Would be nice though! They did have a guide dog there once that the boss was baby sitting. But I missed it :( Apparently it didn't look too good having a guide dog for the blind in their eye clinic! :laugh:

My workplace doesn't "allow" dogs as such, but there is also nothing written that says they aren't allowed - so, I won on a technicality :rofl:

I work for a state government department, but in a quiet warehouse/office type environment. They half-heartedly tried the "safety hazard" tactic, but everyone loved having a puppy in the office too much so they didn't push it. Having her here turned big grumpy big men into little marshmallows, rolling around the floor playing with her, and I think managers could see it was having a positive effect on people.

I'm at work at the moment and Indi's fast asleep beside me. one of the perks of having your own business is you set the rules. The mechanics love having her at work and say she's the 'Staff Moral Officer' :)

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