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I Grew Something!


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So I'm really bad at growing plants as in I have killed things like chives and shallots!

Over summer my housemate decided to "prune" our standard roses because there was wasps in them (I was away for the week and thank god she didn't get attacked).

Even I know this is a bad idea (not just because of the wasps) in the middle of summer, she mauled them! But I came back and decided to see if I could salvage them. I pruned them properly, with the whole leaving the V in the middle etc, and then put some shade cloth up so they wouldn't burn.

Two haven't grown back at all :( I hope that they get better over winter. But the others have grown and look what came out today!!


This is the first plant I've helped grow all by myself that didn't die! thumbsup1.gif

This may seem like nothing to most people, but this is makes me very happy :D

Edited by LisaCC
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Well done it's gorgeous :thumbsup:

I'm no gardener either...I could kill a plastic plant :o

Thank you :)

I don't know where my lack of green thumb comes from, my Mother is an amazing gardner. Her gardens are just immaculate!

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Perse, I'm pretty shocked I managed it :)

Checquered I know that feeling, I've killed succulents embarrass.gif.

Sheena yes I think its a beautiful rose, I love red roses but this is the only one. Two others which have survived and have buds on them should be a peach colour and a white.

When I go back home to Mums place next week I'll go searching for some photos she has of one of her standard White Iceberg roses (her garden has a border of them love.gif). Every year or two this one plant decides to grow only one flower bright red! One year it was just one bright red petal on a white flower, another there was a 50% red flower! I've never seen it happen more than once a year, but I think it's pretty cool.

Edited by LisaCC
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