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Flea Problem - Help Please

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Hi Everybody,

Looks like we have a flea problem. Never had this before but seems many are having a bad time of them this summer / autumn. We have used Frontline Plus due to having baby puppies here and mum needing a traetment as well as all the other dogs. Looks like we still have a problem as the Frontline has not worked well enough.

Your thoughts and advice please, I have never had this problem before and really not sure what to use. Note we have two 12 week old pups here as well as a couple of oldies and a few in between, so need to be something suitable for all of our dogs.

I have read through some of the Flea Threads and am still confused. :confused:

Your help please. :)

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Ive gone anti flea treatments of any sort of late. Unfortunately We have flea problems where we are located. Ive never had problems with fleas before moving here icon_smile_mad.gif

I had been using comfortis, but no longer do. It was the most effective one I have ever used on the cavs. Not sure if its ok for puppies ? If you decide to try it, like all types of medications etc make sure you do your research with them first.. for possible side effects.

We currently use the monthly Revolution heartworm/flea treatment on our puppy Miah.

There are various natural alternatives out there, but not sure how effective they really are, if fleas are really bad ?

I hate fleas with a passion icon_smile_mad.gif

Edited by Jules❤3Cavs
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Should be able to use Advantix, it's from 12weeks of age. Comfortis is 14 weeks of age but I wouldn't use in breeding animals. Maybe Advantage (sister product to Advantix) if fleas are all you want to kill (not ticks).

Biggest problem will be the different weight ranges. The A-family are 4-10, 10-25, 25+. Comfortis is 4.6-9, 9-18, 18-27, 27-52(?) all in kilos.

The real problem is probably that the flea eggs are now in the environment and you'll need to break the cycle. They'll drop off over winter but the eggs will remain unhatched until you get another warm day (they can stay dormant for 6 months).

I never had fleas on my dog until this summer. One pipette of Advantix knocked them over but it's a terrible season!

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Could you dose them with capstar and do a flea rinse now, and another one in a few days? When we had a flea outbreak a while back I did this (along with dosing with comfortis, but obviously that is not an option for you with breeding dogs) and it sorted things out. I have used Fidos itch free rinse concentrate and also Permoxin rinse. Fidos smells way better, is a bit cheaper and worked better (in my experience).

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Have always used Frontline and never had a problem.

We did have a very bad flea problem when we first moved here and the vet put us onto frontline. She said it will be a long process to break the cycle and eventually we did. Now we don't even really need to use the frontline .

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you can use diatomaceous earth (human grade) looks like chalk but the microfossils are sharp edges which pierce the fleas kill them. You can also scatter is over the yard/carpets as a house and yard treatment.

I think the most important is to treat the environment, so the next generation of fleas won;t appear.

I used the DE and a couple of flea baths a couple of weeks apart, last year and it got rid of the problem.

Oh, you can also use the DE on the dogs but i find it can dry the skin

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Don't bother using Advantage it's hopeless :( I have had non stop scratching here even tho I am using Advantage, turns out though that wild birds coming into my enclosed carport where I grow out chic's are to blame, they have mite and they are getting on the dogs when they go out there, I am resorting to flea powders and sprays from the supermarket as these seem to be providing some sort of relief :thumbsup: hope you get yours sorted :D

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I use Advantage and it seems to work. I buy the biggest dog packs and divide up the vials (from memory its 0.1ml per kg). So one large dog 6 pack does all my cats and dogs. We have also had bad fleas here lately despite not having them for years.

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Thank you everybody for your replies :thanks:

Looks like we all have a different story. I am loath to use anything that is not suitable for breeding dogs.

After talking with some others about this problem, it seems many have had a real bad time of fleas this season. Must be the weather and conditions!!

Still not to sure what to use???????? :confused::confused::confused:

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  On 10/04/2013 at 6:10 AM, Stolzseinrotts said:

Thank you everybody for your replies :thanks:

Looks like we all have a different story. I am loath to use anything that is not suitable for breeding dogs.

After talking with some others about this problem, it seems many have had a real bad time of fleas this season. Must be the weather and conditions!!

Still not to sure what to use???????? :confused::confused::confused:

Avoid Comfortis with your guys - pups are too young and it isn't a good product for breeding animals. Frontline Plus or Advantage are flea treatments that work effectively in most areas but they must be used on a regular basis. Can be used in conjunction with Capstar if you have a lot of adults on a dogs, but both start working very rapidly.

I'm at the Gisborne store tomorrow if you want to call me or are around and I can run through the options with you and see what is also most cost effective.


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  On 08/04/2013 at 1:25 PM, becks said:

you can use diatomaceous earth (human grade) looks like chalk but the microfossils are sharp edges which pierce the fleas kill them. You can also scatter is over the yard/carpets as a house and yard treatment.

I think the most important is to treat the environment, so the next generation of fleas won;t appear.

I used the DE and a couple of flea baths a couple of weeks apart, last year and it got rid of the problem.

Oh, you can also use the DE on the dogs but i find it can dry the skin


Treating the environment is the key and DE is one of the simplest/least unfriendly ways of doing it.

We have used Ripcord in kennels/cattery in the past and this works great. It's used in dairy sheds so is animal-safe - but the stuff you can buy over the counter in Australia isn't the same product - the one we used is the same as the one professional pest controllers use. That is another option - pay for a professional to treat the environment.

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  On 17/04/2013 at 10:48 PM, Stolzseinrotts said:

Thank you all for your answers, I think I may be currently on the right track with some treatment.

Damn fleas have been a real problem for many this year.

Hey Stolzsein Pm me for help to sort it all out for you. :)

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Funny that someone made the comment that advantage is hopeless and only frontline works. I have had clients telling me the reverse for years! I use advocate or revolution and never see fleas so i personally wouldnt know. Weird. I suppose its a matter of trying and seeing which one works for you.

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