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Obedience Wins - Updated


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:thumbsup: See, you can't be going wrong with the training you are giving him :thumbsup: Look at the smile on his face :)

That's almost exactly what I was going to,say. Well done you two!

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Thanks guys - I am so incredibly proud of him.

He was like a nut when we first got there yesterday morning, wanting to play with everyone and I thought 'this is not going to go well'.

But then I decided that it was going to go well and we walked off to another section away from his doggy friends and we did a few heels, sits etc.

I could see when they were all gathering around (I already knew we were up first), so we went back, stood at the edge of the ground and waited to be called in to start.

From the moment we stood there together (I had so many butterflies) and he was looking up at me, I just knew it was going to be OK.

He did every command he was asked and waited between each command for the next one.

I was so proud of him when the assessor said 'very well done', that I thought I was going to cry.

Lots of our group (who had been watching) all clapped as we came off.

We had to wait a while for the other dogs to their assessments and then we had a group long stay to do.

We got lots of claps and cheers when we were called up as first, had our photo taken for the club newsletter..

Zig was so tired that we came home and he slept all afternoon.

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well done Zig. He doesn't look too impressed though!

He wanted the blue ribbon from the moment they stuck it in his collar for the photo..

I put it on the floor in front of him and told him to leave it. He has been back to check on it (sitting on the kitchen bench) at least half a dozen times since this photo was taken..

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  • 2 months later...

I think I am very lucky HD.

I had tried so many things with him before obedience and someone just mentioned it in passing one day.

I asked our behaviourist and I asked here about taking him and a lot of people thought I would be putting an already reactive dog in a situation that could have made him much worse.

I took the gamble because, in all honestly, I just didn't know what else to do.

I have had loads of input by the trainers at obedience and heaps of hands on help as well.

I guess they see so many dogs come through with so many issues that over time they just know what does and doesn't work.

I am lucky in that Zig's reactiveness is very friendly and he is also totally not aggressive - in fact he doesn't have an aggressive bone in his body.

He is 2 years old now and still rolls over if a dog stands over him or drops to the ground if a dog is dominant.

He really just wants to play with every dog he is allowed to meet - that has been my biggest issue. Restraining him from meeting every dog he sees. Getting him to not lunge towards them in excitement, not to bark at them from a distance in excitement..

We still have times where he gets close and then leans in to fast - we turn around and walk away. He doesn't get to meet other dogs on his terms anymore, ever.

He must use his manners or he misses out.

But once he has made friends (and he has loads of doggy friends), he is free to be himself and play as long as he wants.

We still have work to do - he isn't bombproof by any means.

Our assessments are individual - it is only us in the ring at the time. I have his total focus these days when we are 'working'.. It is a very good feeling.

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:thumbsup::thumbsup: Yay to you and the gorgeous Zig ... and I agree - he does look pretty pleased with himself. It's great that you trusted your instincts, and found something that you and he can enjoy together - and something that will help him to 'get' that being allowed to say hello to other dogs is a reward that you control - but that he can "open the fridge" to get that reward. Magic stuff :thumbsup: .
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