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Question On Reading The Shutter Speed ?


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Hi All

Hubby is just reading the instruction book.

It's saying set the camera shutter speed at one-one-hundredth of a second.

How do you convert that to the digital screen?



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What do you need 1/100 for exactly?

(I use mostly AUTO :p :o)

Ok.. to help explain what shutter speed is, how to read it, and its use ..these LINK LINK should help you, pesh :)

this may be what you are asking????

Digital Camera Shutter Speed Display

The most common shutter speeds are measured in fractions of seconds. However, camera displays do not have enough room to show you numbers like 1/800.

Instead, digital cameras just display the bottom number: 800. If you look at your camera's display and it tells you that your shutter speed is 125, this does not mean 125 seconds. That would make for some very long and boring picture taking.

Instead, most cameras indicated seconds with a double quote after the number. So a one second shutter speed is displayed as 1". A 30 second shutter speed is displayed as 30".

from HERE

Edited by persephone
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Thank you Pers for taking the time, as I say you know me too well. :laugh:

I'll show this to hubby then he can explain it to me. :confused::rofl:

You're a gem.... :)

He's just used that number from the book as an example.

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