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Deals Direct Dog Beds And $3 Shipping


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LOL, I am waiting for your beds for indoor beds Little Gifts ( still want to call you PuppySniffer). Just needed new outdoor cushs since ours have spent most of the Qld summer soaked and are now all manky. Been years since anyone bothered to moon me Minimax :D Plus am trying to economise so need to live vicariously through other people.

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LOL, I am waiting for your beds for indoor beds Little Gifts ( still want to call you PuppySniffer). Just needed new outdoor cushs since ours have spent most of the Qld summer soaked and are now all manky. Been years since anyone bothered to moon me Minimax :D Plus am trying to economise so need to live vicariously through other people.

Haha I'm living vicariously too. I even put a few things in my cart before closing the window!

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Well I have just shopped all the fleece out of Spotlight so if you need new inside beds before Spring just let me know and we'll work it out! Some of the new fabric will make vey funky beds - I was thinking I should do some for here except I already have loads. We also have to sort out the pei-jays for Bart soon.

As for outside beds - a friend gave us all the old seat backs from her outdoor furniture - perfect for the dogs outside and easy to hose down and hang on the line! Maybe you should check out garage sales for something similar? I used to buy kids sized mattresses for $10 from Ikea for the dogs and cover them but cleaning them was painful. Even worse was when someone decided to eat them.

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OH has just said I am buying the beds for myself, as the dogs are far too busy lying on our outdoor furniture or the warm deck boards to worry about an old dog bed. I said they are for WINTER the deckboards won't be warm,he correctly pointed out they will most likely be inside on the couch. Such a spoilsport. I will look for Bart's measurements and PM you Little Gifts.

Edited by coogie
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Mac hasn't quite got the hang of it there! I must admit I put the fluffiest cushions in Tempeh's soft crate and as we leave the side door open on it she is usually sleeping in her little donut shape but with half of her butt hanging out in mid air.

Coogie if we don't have his measurements we could do her a thank you gift voucher and she could choose the fabrics and give me the sizes and decide what style Bart would wear. Up to you what you'd prefer!

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