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Trouble With My Cocker Spaniel


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I have an English Cocker Spaniel who is almost three years old. He was rehomed with us almost a year ago. The reason I am posting is that he growls and barks aggressively at other dogs when I take him for a walk. The problem seems to be getting worse. I tend to be a nervous and anxious person, and I'm sure this has contributed to the problem, although there's not a great deal I can do about that. I have tried offering food rewards to distract him, but although it works sometimes, other times it doesn't. I'm on the point of just giving up and trying to find a new home for him with someone who has a stronger personality than me, but I don't want to fail him, especially after he's already been rehomed once.

Any advice you can give would be appreciated.

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For this sort of thing you need professional help (from a proper. qualified professional). If you're in Brisbane then Jane Harper is the person to see (I've never used her but I believe she is highly recommended by many people).

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Yes contact Jane Harper ASAP :) Don't rehome before you try and don't think you're too nervous a personality. A good behavioral trainer will work within both yours and the dogs capabilities

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What the others said. But in addition- don't assume that the dog needs someone with a stronger personality. You can learn techniques that are within your capabilities and i have many clients who are nervous or anxious who can still get great results. Good luck!

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