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Dangerous Guard Dogs


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Does anyone know where the pics were taken? It looks somewhat like a hardware/timber shop & yard in the next suburb. There were two nice dogs like that, in the timber yard section.... with two really snazzy kennels.

Like everyone else, I used to say Hello to them as I walked past.

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Does anyone know where the pics were taken? It looks somewhat like a hardware/timber shop & yard in the next suburb. There were two nice dogs like that, in the timber yard section.... with two really snazzy kennels.

Like everyone else, I used to say Hello to them as I walked past.

I took them in Victoria.

And yes, although they sure looked very sweet, I still didn't dare to poke my fingers through to find out, although it was tempting.

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Does anyone know where the pics were taken? It looks somewhat like a hardware/timber shop & yard in the next suburb. There were two nice dogs like that, in the timber yard section.... with two really snazzy kennels.

Like everyone else, I used to say Hello to them as I walked past.

I took them in Victoria.

And yes, although they sure looked very sweet, I still didn't dare to poke my fingers through to find out, although it was tempting.

Kirislin, it's amazing. We have/had a duplicate up here. Anyone who walks down behind Doyle's Timber & Hardware to Mitchelton railway station might recall. The yard looks just like that.... & the dogs, too, even down to one being a lighter colour.

One big difference is those 2 signs on your pic's gates .... both not there at Doyle's!

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I have a nasty habit of "breaking" guard dogs by making friends with them through the fence... I got into big trouble once when I was caught giving one tummy rubs through the fence at a car yard... apparently it was really nasty and would supposedly take your arm off, and it's handler was scared of it. It was a really sweet dog (for me) actually... lol!

The secret is chicken flavoured Smiths chips... lol! Haven't met a guard dog yet that doesn't like them.

The funny part is that I haven't the slightest intention of burglarising - I just like patting dogs... feel free to call me crazy...


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I have a nasty habit of "breaking" guard dogs by making friends with them through the fence... I got into big trouble once when I was caught giving one tummy rubs through the fence at a car yard... apparently it was really nasty and would supposedly take your arm off, and it's handler was scared of it. It was a really sweet dog (for me) actually... lol!

The secret is chicken flavoured Smiths chips... lol! Haven't met a guard dog yet that doesn't like them.

The funny part is that I haven't the slightest intention of burglarising - I just like patting dogs... feel free to call me crazy...


Haha, I know what you mean! At my last job, we'd be there til 2 or 3 in the morning, and the place next door had these 2 huuuuge GSDs as guard dogs. They would go nuts barking and carrying on if anyone else got too close, but I made friends with them. They were just big snugglies really :)

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VIctorian law states that dogs left on a commercial premises outside of work hours for the purpose of 'guarding' must have signage as a dangerous dog.

And rightly so. The Brisbane place has/had only one sign on the gate , not the two that's on the Victorian one.

But it's interesting how that double signage really hits a person in the eye up front.

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My Dad had guard dogs years ago when he had a business... I don't really remember much about them as they were yard dogs, not house dogs. I think he brought one home for a couple nights once as it was crook. I was just saying the other day to my husband how you don't see guard dogs around as much anymore.. Probably because there are more effective security systems in place now?

I do vaguely recall he had signage up about guard dogs on patrol..

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I was just saying the other day to my husband how you don't see guard dogs around as much anymore.. Probably because there are more effective security systems in place now?

I do vaguely recall he had signage up about guard dogs on patrol..

Sometimes the sign does all the work. :)

Friends moved into a house in one of the posh suburbs. They ordered a few new items of furniture. But they were puzzled by deliverymen phoning before they came & asking was it OK to come to the front door.

Mystery was solved when they found at the footpath end of the long driveway, a sign that said, 'Beware of the Dog'.

It had been put up by the previous owners... & our friends simply hadn't noticed it. But all the deliverymen had! They didn't own a dog, but they decided to leave it there as it acted as a deterrent. At night it was lit up by the driveway solar lighting.

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