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The Terrier Guessing Game?

t a i l s.

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I was just wondering if anyone could inform me of what the physical differences between the Airedale Terrier, Lakeland Terrier and Welsh Terrier are besides height and weight? I have a very hard time telling them apart unless I can see them beside something to give me an estimate of height, lol.

Any help is good :)

edited because my sentence didn't make sense, :laugh:

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It takes a bit of practice especially between Lakelands and Welshies.

The biggest difference I can think of is that Lakelands come in a larger variety of colours such as red and black. Airedales are obviously leggier and seem to be a little less 'busy'.

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Lakelands are leggier....finer boned overall. Welsh should be like bricks...rectangular in body, rectangular in head style. They are groomed differently as well with the welsh not having the 'fall' of hair over the eyes like the lakelands do. Welsh are black/tan (red) and some are very pale or grizzled, but the basic pattern is the same as Airedale who also are only in that colour. We see white splash on the chest from time to time on them.

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Airedales don't seem quite as smart!

I used to think this. I think now, they're a lot more persistant in attempts to train their owners. Slower to get the premack concept of do something for the boss then I get to do something I want. Well Border collies will set their boss up, but the Airedale just keep pulling and pulling for what they want.

Airedales don't get off lead much. I know one welsh terrier - which got off lead but would not come back - but could be caught if you told him there was a possum up this tree.

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Airedales tend to be a little less square than Lakelands or Welsh terriers. They are narrower and leggier than Welsh terriers but they dont have the fall of the hair like Lakelands.

Airedales have never struck me as dumb, though they can be a little goofy as teenagers. Weren't they used as police dogs in Northern England at one point? They don't seem any better or worse off lead than other dogs.

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Two naughty Lakelands -

Double Trouble!! They are good when they are asleep LOL :laugh:

Thankfully ours are very good sleepers. Jed on the left is actually a bit of a couch potato, very different temperament to Izzy.

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1364540344[/url]' post='6160537']

Lakelands are VERY naughty and headstrong, very smart too. Airedales don't seem quite as smart!

whip.gifAiredales are very smart and easy to train, but they are also extremely cheeky and like to push buttons or do things their own way. I do obedience with mine and he is really good...until it comes time for the test then he plays up!

From photos I've seen welsh terriers look a bit wider in the face.

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