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Cpr Website - Adoption Pending Page Status

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Attention Canberra Pooch Rescue,

Could someone in CPR please either update the adoption pending page of your website or, if not possible, remove my contact details from any animals still listed in there ASAP.

I have had contact from two people in the last two weeks regarding both Murphy and Suki - dogs I rehomed well over 6 months ago asking about them and wanting to meet them.

After tracking down where they saw them - thinking they were old gumtree posts or trading posts adds put up by petrescue which I was going to have removed, both have confirmed they saw them in the adoption pending page and nowhere else.

Clearly people should not be looking in the adoption pending section of any groups websites for their animals but now it has happened twice recently I would prefer not to have to go on a wild goose chase again.



ACT Animal Rescue.

Edited by Just Andrea
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JA, I'm glad you posted about this. Recently, some people looking to adopt a rescue dog told me they saw one that attracted them on a rescue website, but with Adoption Pending. They said they wondered if the rescue would still accept applications, to hold, in case the adoption didn't go thro'. I told them to ask the particular rescue.

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I'm actually puzzled why anyone would look there personally for any groups site unless they had actually expressed interest when the animal was available and were waiting to see if a recent trial was successful or not. Otherwise doesn't make sense to me, but each to their own. They may not know how recent the status of pending is I guess?

Anyway - in this instance, post is simple request for website administrator to remove my former listings from this page to avoid future unnecessary calls/emails for everyone concerned - potential adopters included. Had to post here as I no longer have the website persons email contact and so it will be seen by someone in the group.


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I'm actually puzzled why anyone would look there personally for any groups site unless they had actually expressed interest when the animal was available and were waiting to see if a recent trial was successful or not. Otherwise doesn't make sense to me, but each to their own. They may not know how recent the status of pending is I guess?

I agree when the Adoptions Pending dogs are grouped into a different section. Seems a fast track to being disappointed, to me, to still apply.

In the case I posted about, the dogs were still profiled in the general Dogs for Adoption list, with a note Adoption Pending. The people were uncertain about the mixed message. Which is why I said... ask that rescue.

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Wouldn't it be better to phone or email or even PM someone from CPR than air your issues with them on DOL? Or am I the only person getting tired of rescues airing complaints about other rescues? It's hardly a good advertisement for rescue in general.

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There is absolutely nothing nasty implied or inferred by my post - please do not suggest anything to the contrary. I do not have the website email contact for the group any longer and I tried using the link for contact on the donations page to send it to the generic address and got this:

<script type='text/javascript'> <!-- var prefix = 'ma' 'il' 'to'; var path = 'hr' 'ef' ; var addy60977 = 'info' '@'; addy60977 = addy60977 'canberrapoochrescue' '.' 'org' '.' 'au'; document.write('<a ' path '/'' prefix ':' addy60977 '/'>'); document.write(addy60977); document.write('<//a>'); //-->/n </script><script type='text/javascript'> <!-- document.write('<span style=/'display: none;/'>'); //--> </script>This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. <script type='text/javascript'> <!-- document.write('</'); document.write('span>'); //--> </script>

Something which may be also of interest to someone in the group.

I am not in a position to phone, pm or email directly and my post is certainly civil and just a simple request for administrative matters sake.


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Yes agreed. I guess no different to the odd enquiry who doesn't read the profiles at all even when the animals are still actually available and ring straight off the pictures when it clearly states the home needed for a dog must contain x, y, z and they have absolutely nothing like whats required. I guess people want what they want and probably figure it is worth a shot anyway.

When someone from CPR has read this please just post to advise and I will endeavor to delete thread or edit opening topic post given there may be some useful side discussions to come out of this regarding how the general public view things like adopted, adoption pending, on trial etc etc...


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I am not in a position to phone, pm or email directly and my post is certainly civil and just a simple request for administrative matters sake.


Ummm... there are contact details on this page...



See above - bolded and underlined to make it clear.

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Thread being moved - I'm sure it has been seen by relevant person/people to sort out admin matter - whole point of post. Thanks mita and indigirl for adding some interesting comments/input into the thread.


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