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And More Fleas...


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Well tonight I had a training session with Pfizer/Zoetis which is Revolution and I actually learnt a few things. I didn't know that it was systematic (blood stream) as well as in the hairs and on the skin. That means it can't be washed off like the other two. If it did ticks I'd be using it.

She also told us some stuff about Comfortis that has now made me uncomfortable to recommend it ever again. I know it's not her product (there is no Elanco rep for petshops) but she did tell us that apparently it's being pulled from the shelves of our chain (because there is no rep to give proper advice).

I think it does a great job but I'm now concerned that in the wrong hands this product could do some damage. I have heard stories of people dosing Frontline anally and in food - so you can't be too careful.

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some people don't read instructions apparently.

The guy who was dosing the frontline on the food apparently called Frontline up and was getting quite angry about the product not working.....well maybe he should of read the box first!

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Well tonight I had a training session with Pfizer/Zoetis which is Revolution and I actually learnt a few things. I didn't know that it was systematic (blood stream) as well as in the hairs and on the skin. That means it can't be washed off like the other two. If it did ticks I'd be using it.

She also told us some stuff about Comfortis that has now made me uncomfortable to recommend it ever again. I know it's not her product (there is no Elanco rep for petshops) but she did tell us that apparently it's being pulled from the shelves of our chain (because there is no rep to give proper advice).

I think it does a great job but I'm now concerned that in the wrong hands this product could do some damage. I have heard stories of people dosing Frontline anally and in food - so you can't be too careful.

Oh. Can you please tell/ link me to the stuff about Comfortis?

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We use, and was recommended by our vet in Melbourne to use Comfortis. One of my dogs all of a sudden had a bad skin rash and the vet said he was allergic to fleas. Never had a flea problem but all of a sudden noticed both dogs covered in them.

Gave Comfortis with dinner - dog with rash had no problems at all. Other dog with IB threw up everywhere and was very sad for the remainder of the night. Called Comfortis next day and they took all our details. Lady recommended i try again next month if i felt comfortable as they have found many dog's will throw up on the first dose but are fine thereafter. Well three more doses down and both dogs are fine - no more spew.

Fortunately dog that threw up had it down for the minimum time to take effect which i think is an hour or so.

I have no hesitation giving both dogs Comfortis now. Works a treat.

If you have queries i would call the people at Comfortis (the distributor) they were very helpful when i called them.

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