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Teaching Focus..


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I have been trying to improve milo's "focus" in paying attention to what I am signalling. I am doing k9 pro's triangle of temptation with his meals etc (have been for a while) and he focus's well in the yard particularly when food etc is involved. however the moment we leave the yard, it all goes out the window. attempts to play games with him are ignored, his attention is obviously elsewhere. at the same time he is displaying? lip licking? anxiety behaviour. (this is appearing to get worse to, it is a new thing that has began to occur) Suggestions on where to go from this?

I have plans to go to Geelong for a training session with Nekhbet, but would really like to get his "focus" going before then.

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You don't mention much about the dog, age, breed, temperament type, other dogs etc, all this plays a role in how to approach this issue.

One thing I will say is that it is very common to overwork a dog, especially in the early stages. You need to build the focus at the dogs level..... not us humans preconceived ideas of where you should be at.... I have often watched people teaching their dogs to WATCH - holding the food to their face and repeating WATCH WATCH WATCH.... the dog getting bored and starting to look for any possible distraction.

You might need to consider just gaining the focus, reward and then walk away.... don't try again until the dog actually approaches you indicating he is waiting to start again.....

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