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What Is Happening At Blacktown Pound?


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As someone who follows rescue stories generally in the press and online, I have heard some disturbing things in recent weeks about Blacktown Pound so I thought I'd ask here if anyone knew the real story.

Firstly, I'd heard that a few weeks ago the dingo /part-dingo dogs held at Blacktown had been PTS as an act of 'revenge' (??!!) because of some heated altercation with an irate rescue group (not sure which one), and this weekend I have seen that 5 dogs were PTS on Friday ahead of their advertised due date and reportedly despite having rescue options. I had already looked at one of the videos posted here in the Urgent Rescue forum for one of these dogs and the last thing I would have called him was 'dangerous' or 'unrescuable'(!). I have seen some very emotional comments on the web relating to this, but I wanted to ask if someone knew the facts behind these two separate incidents?

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I understood they had started temperament testing, if so good on them. Sad for the dogs that don't make it but safer for those adopting. Claims of pts for 'revenge' just sound hysterical or self-obsessed surely.

But I agree with raz, not really an issue for the news forum, probably already being discussed in the rescue threads.

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The dingo issue is separate from the temp testing issue. That appeared to be a cock-up from social media and some individuals hassling the pound, not the fault of the rescue that was blamed from what I could see.

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The Rescue thread might read like code if you haven't been involved over the last little while. It is a complicated story evolving over a couple of years now. Hopefully the right story WILL become a news story.

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The dingo issue is separate from the temp testing issue. That appeared to be a cock-up from social media and some individuals hassling the pound, not the fault of the rescue that was blamed from what I could see.

This involved HP not BCC and the "cock-up' via social media was by one 'rescue' (who soon after causing a huge amount of trouble and drama for the shelter and staff they 'claimed" to protect) ran with their tail between their legs :laugh:

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Were they the extremely timid and snappy Dingo X pups Nic? Feel free to PM me with what happened - I actually stuck my hand up to check them out with a view to fostering, but was told that they already had rescue...


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''One of the tests involved labelling a dog dangerous and unsuitable for adoption if it reacts aggressively to people taking away his food.

''It's nonsense as any animal will react in this way if you take away his food.''

WTF? Are they really THAT ignorant?????? :dropjaw:

Edited by Haredown Whippets
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I have never had a dog become aggressive when food removed , or even become aggressive to another of my dog when they have gone near another's food , so to me a dog that show aggression when food touched or removed should not be released to public , some of the outlandish things said in spite are ridiculous and unfortunately people believe the rubbish

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Adding a comment is a good idea as PR can't remove it, but i have written 2 replies and deleted them so far, not sure how much i can get away with!

Its a good platform to let poeple know how they operate.

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Not that you'd know it to look at them, but it seems that many of the people in the photo have been brainwashed and can barely string a sentence together which contains much more than expletives ...

It's like a cult, isn't it!

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