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Fridge Locks


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:laugh: Stan

And I thought Latte was clever this morning because she opened the pizza box that was on the counter, took the piece of garlic bread in it and ran to her crate leaving the pizza box still on the counter :laugh: But Stan beats that hands down :laugh:

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I think from now on for his birthday you should leave the lock off the fridge. :laugh:

No way Kirislin, he ate enough yesterday for his next 5 birthdays! His birthday is soon (13th of April) and I told him he's not getting his meat pie...nah I'm not that mean, he has to share it with Maddie anyway which annoys the crap out of him :laugh:

Kiwigirl my fridge is only about 3 years old and the suction is great, I'm really at a loss as to how he did it.

Minimax :rofl: I love that!! I love the off the leash cartoons but I have not seen that one.

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Sorry SM but :rofl: that's gold! I'm not showing this thread to the toller!!!

Reminds me of when we were kids we went away at Easter, and mum left eggs on all our beds as a surprise for when we got home. Patch, our PITA cattle x beagle, broke in at some point over the weekend and ate all the eggs. Then, as there was torrential rain at the time she decided to move in (they were outside dogs) and spent the whole weekend soaking mud into every soft furnishing in the house :eek: I think we all ended up getting new mattresses for Easter that year :laugh:

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Ooops Trina we posted at the same time... you know my Stanley too well ;)

He's lucky he's such a looker Stans mum. :laugh:

I'm not much help. Bruno isn't much of an eater. I can leave things defrosting on the kitchen sink. :o

The only time I ever caught him bench-surfing, he got a lemon. The evil ball with a bitter surprise. The shocked Boxer face was priceless. :laugh:

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Ooops Trina we posted at the same time... you know my Stanley too well ;)

He's lucky he's such a looker Stans mum. :laugh:

I'm not much help. Bruno isn't much of an eater. I can leave things defrosting on the kitchen sink. :o

The only time I ever caught him bench-surfing, he got a lemon. The evil ball with a bitter surprise. The shocked Boxer face was priceless. :laugh:

:rofl: a lemon!!! Love the B man :)

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What do you mean bertie...this face? Yep butter wouldn't melt in his mouth, well not yesterday it didn't. The butter container was the only thing in Maddie's bed, he must've flicked that to her while he was guarding his new found treasure.


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What do you mean bertie...this face? Yep butter wouldn't melt in his mouth, well not yesterday it didn't. The butter container was the only thing in Maddie's bed, he must've flicked that to her while he was guarding his new found treasure.

:rofl: :rofl: He is so :love:

I've never been a greyhound person, but Stan is the best ambassador.

He needs a blog :provoke:

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Quinn is the queen of fridge opening! I'm sure I've posted it before but she figured out how to open the fridge when she was still a puppy (8/9 months maybe??). She does it by hooking her paw under the bottom edge of the door and pulling it open.

I tried masking tape, then packing tape then electrical tape. She figured out how to get the end loose then peel the tape off. Then tried a flexible plastic baby proof latch that clipped in a bit like a seatbelt, she managed to pull two of those off the sticker bit on the side of the fridge.

Now have a Safety 1st one that is small, made of hard clear plastic with a grey bit that goes on the door side. She hasn't managed to pull that off or open it :thumbsup:

BUT I have to push quite firmly to make it click into place and occasionally I don't do it quite hard enough so she still gets in now and then :o

She has gotten hold of sooooo much stuff that should be bad for her but it doesn't seem to have had any ill effects, such a garbage guts!! :mad

She hasn't figured out the oven door yet, Stan can do that one can't he? :laugh:

Edited by Simply Grand
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He's so beautiful SM :) and his coat looks so silky and gorgeous, I may have to come over there and steal him......once I get a lock on my fridge.

Thanks Aussie his coat is beautiful and yes lock up your fridges if Stan is coming to town :)

Simply Grand Quinn sounds as determined as Stan! On closer inspection this morning the fridge door has scratches near the cup handle thingy so he may have opened it that way but when he opens the oven he pulls it with his paw from the side (as I actually busted him doing it) so who knows. I am going out for a few hours this arvo so I'm going to put anything edible in the fridge downstairs and see if the lock works. Fingers crossed :crossfingers:

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Quinn is the queen of fridge opening! I'm sure I've posted it before but she figured out how to open the fridge when she was still a puppy (8/9 months maybe??). She does it by hooking her paw under the bottom edge of the door and pulling it open.

So that's how they do it. The fridge-openers must get a good grip & give a hefty shove, because of the suction on the doors.

Maybe these dogs could get a job testing fridges for the state of the door rubbers.

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