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Glasses And Photography


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Ok so I've just got my first pair of real glasses and its shocking how bad my reading eyesight had got :eek: I can now read labels again, and my phone and iPad are so much clearer!

My question relates to using my camera, how do I know that what I think is in focus is really in focus? Should I be using my glasses? My eyesight is ok for most normal things, it's just the reading/computer screen range that has gone to pot :laugh:

Edited by CrazyCresties
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I'm short sighted and if I don't have my glasses on things are out of focus. However looking at the LCD everything is crisp without glasses. When you are looking down a lens (or microscope) you are looking "into the distance" so if your far sighted it won't effect your shooting - just don't delete anything without reviewing it with glasses on :thumbsup:

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There's a dial with a + and - sign by the view finder. You can adjust it to suit your eyesight. I now need reading glasses so it's very hard for me to see what my photos look like when I check what I've just taken as I'm no good with things close up anymore. :cry: I used to have amazing vision, even optometrists were impressed.

Edited by Kirislin
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