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Roundup Vs Amstaff


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So I got home last night to find a Mangled up bottle of Round Up that was half full.....

So the Dog managed to find this on a shelf and went to town on it...

Ive done a bit of googling and most sites say Roundup is harmless for dogs...

He seems fine, not sick or anything, but anyone have an idea if this is going to affect him???

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I'd be phoning the vet and asking their advice, it isn't harmless at all.


  • The active chemical in Roundup Weed Killer is Glyphosate which is poisonous if ingested. Symptoms of illness include nausea, vomiting, weakness, irritation in the mouth, difficulty breathing and possibly coma.

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Definately vet. When it is made up it doesn't causue serious issues but can cause local irritation, allergic reactions etc. My mum ended up with a cat that went blind in both eyes after it walked through some longer weeds that had been very recently sprayed with roundup.

Definately get him checked

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Call an emergency vet - I've always rang out of hours to check on something and they've always told me if I need to go in or not.

I can't imagine that Roundup is harmless. Please seek help ASAP as if it is an issue then every delay = dog absorbs more.

Edited by megan_
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It is harmless in that you can use it in your garden under certain conditions. You are supposed to let the spray dry before letting the dog back into the garden. Drinking a heap of it wouldn't be good. Hope your dog is ok.

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When dealing with chemicals, or wondering what to do in a case like this, there are several places you can look for info. One is the label. If the bottle has been chewed google will give you a label for most registered chemicals pretty quickly.

The other important place is the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet).

A glyphosate example is here: http://agspray.net.au/msds/glyphosate360.pdf

An MSDS can be found online for most chemicals, and is a great way to get some immediate information that will help you decide what to do next.

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