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Pup Resuscitation


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I have bred many litters of Labradors over the last 10 years and have had my fair share of stillborn puppies and fading puppies and lots of healthy puppies too but I thought I would share an amazing experience with you.

My maiden bitch (almost 2 years old) began a natural delivery 10 days ago and delivered 6 great puppies (the first 5 she delivered before dawn so I missed these but she had them all clean and organised.) When the 7th pup arrived it was still in the sac so I pulled this away and looked for any signs of life. Just one mouth open movement and then nothing despite my rubbing briskly with a towel in front of her. She was very watchful of me and although trusting me she clearly wanted the puppy herself. She sniffed it all over and I could still see no sign of life. She then put the puppy's head in her mouth all the way down to its navel and held it while she panted rapidly. I watched but was concerned precious time was slipping by so I took the pup from her and gave it another 30 sec rub and a couple of swings to clear the airway. I returned the pup at her feet as she lay and she did the same thing again. It was then I realised it wasn't accidental that she held the pup this way....she was giving her version of mouth to mouth resuscitation. I was absolutely gobsmacked and felt I was seeing something very unusual. While I began to think that the pup was a lost cause she put the pup down and sniffed. Nothing. And this is the amazing bit........she then picked the pup up again in her mouth but this time sideways (head and chest in mouth) and started to chew like she would chew a bone. I was horrified. I had read of bitches eating their pups but fortunately haven't experienced it. I took the pup from her and looked at it. There was no broken skin and still no life. I returned the pup to her again as she was trying to take it from me. She did the same thing again, put the pup sideways in her mouth and began to 'chew.' I still felt she was going to eat it but didn't know what to do. After a bit she put the pup down and I saw it take a gasp, then another gasp about 30 seconds later and more and more over a gradually decreasing time span. My girl then licked the pup all over but didn't put it in her mouth again. SHE GAVE THAT PUPPY CPR She compressed its little chest with her teeth.

The pup ended up with a tooth mark on one cheek and a half severed ear right at the top where the ear meets the skull. 10 days on the puppy is fine and has developed normally. Her cheek had a little scab which has now gone and her ear has completely healed. I don't think it will be noticeable later on as I used the bloody ear to locate which pup she was in the litter and now it has healed I have to use her shade of yellow to pick her. Oh yes, and mum went on to have 3 more beautiful puppies, all fine. Clever girl!

I am always in awe of animals but I witnessed this.

Only 2 weeks before I watched this video

which is amazing and I shared with many friends. I hope you think it's amazing too!
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I hope your pup is fine. Thank you for posting the link to the elephant birth video, absolutely amazing. :thumbsup:

Pup is thriving, eyes nearly open :) In fact all 10 pups are great!

I'm glad you enjoyed the link to the elephant birth. I take my hat off to the carers who allowed the mother to deal with it her own way.

It seems only humans have lost the connection to their innate abilities.

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